We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Here is our new Audio Research VSi60 integrated amplifier. -----BEGIN REPORT----- It retails for $4,995.00. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Locate a dealer in your area, whether you live in USA or abroad. ZmIyNDA0ZjE2ZTNkZWZjODVlM2I3N2RiMTkwMzE1ZjU1NjRhYTA5YTU2NmZj MGMzYzQ5OTJiYzBmMmM1ZTQwYzRkNjMxZWMzYjI0MzA2ZjNjOGU1ZjdlY2Nm It’s one box that performs all the required, necessary tasks -- and nothing more. It’s the exact same amp as their VT80, except that the SE version uses higher capacity KT-150 output tubes. Regular price $1,299.95 View. MTVmNjM2ZjI1ZjBkNDQ1OTBjZWU1MTUyYjQ2NDVkMWJiZmJmNDdiNWU1MWQ4 The VSi75SE integrated amplifier breaks new ground in an ‘all in one’ product design, and sets a new benchmark in the lifelike reproduction of music. Whatever possessed the guys at Audio Research to dump the look of the CA50 integrated amplifier when they came up with its replacement, I'll never know. Here is our new Audio Research VSi60 integrated amplifier. This is one spectacular-sounding piece of gear. NjZiYTNmYWMxMjNkMTU2Yzg3MGVlMDk1NjQ4ODRmYzA2MWYwNzNkM2EwZDdh NWFiMDM5YmZkZjYwODlhOTA0M2QzNWE5MDQxOGU5YjRiODM4YTQ5ZDZkYTA2 The VT80SE tubed power amplifier is built to last a lifetime, and its quality is evident both on the inside and the outside. Second, how can sonic perfection be measured as it relates to recorded music? Audio Research VSi60 tube integrated amplifier in immaculate condition. ODIzOGRhNTcyMzVkY2Y4MWRhMjI4MTAxMThjODUzODRmZDU2MjkwNWIxNGZi MzNiZjY3ZmU0MGQ2N2ZkNDA2NDkzOTI3ZWY0ZDRjMjJmMWY4YmMyNGEwYTlh pride and passion. It’s been a couple of years now since the Audio Research GS series have been introduced, and both the GS Pre and GS 150 have received multiple awards from magazines around the world (including us). The … Audio Research Announces: Making The Music Glow, Why Audio Research Uses Vacuum Tubes To Achieve the Highest Sonic Purity. YzJmMTA1MzRhZTQzZGI4OTRlYjk0NzIzZjVjMWQzMWUxNWY4OTkwNTllYjM2 Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Selling my Audio Research GSi75 integrated amplifier. Original owner, great condition, with remote, it has served me well. The Audio Research VSi75 is an investment piece; whether you are moving up to your first tube amp or are thinking about setting up a primo stereo system from the ground up. NTQ4N2FhOWJmNCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjNmMGQyNjZkMTcwMmVkMDc3MTI5 Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. This is an amazing amp with an excellent phone stage and reference level DAC. Developed through hundreds of hours of critical listening, the carefully selected components comprising our Power Amplifiers combine to provide an array of amplifiers which transcends traditional hi-fi, instead relaying music with realism and tangibility. At $5000 Audio Research’s VSi60 more than nicely fulfills this basic checklist. The soundstage on this amp is the best I've heard so far. As the name suggests, the integrated is a 75W design, using the KT150s first used in the GS150 power amp and now featuring throughout Audio Research’s lines. Expertise comes through repetition and nothing in life imparts and inculcates knowledge more forcefully than repeatedly doing the same thing over and over again. (Those that do need the oomph can have the likes of the range-topping Reference 750 monoblocs, which output a spicy 750W and sell for an equally spicy rather hefty £27,500 each.) Audio Research has a long-established reputation for building incredible tube pre-amps and power amplifiers. M2JmMWU1NGI3MTM1MzQ3OWQ0ZGQ3NjdmOWEyNzRjMDc3M2RhNDVlNmIyMTVh Audio Research: What Makes Perfection, Perfection. The Audio Research VT80SE Special Edition Tube Power Amplifier provides a spectacular soundstage and a natural sounding presentation. The REF160M monoblocks were a radical change for the venerable Reference Series, and now they have been 'cut 'n pasted' into a single, spectacular stereo chassis This should have been the simplest, swiftest review for me to undertake: I would simply drop the stereo version of the Audio Research Reference 160M [HFN Aug '18] into my system in place of the Reference 75SE. Warranty: Three years parts and labor. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. ODJhZDc2MjIyODhlMDE5NDVlNjRhZTM0MjBiNGM4NGUwM2Y3ZmI2MmRjNjgx Audio Research GSi75 Integrated Amplifier A Compact Alternative From Audio Research By Jeff Dorgay It’s been a couple of years now since the Audio Research GS series have been introduced, and both the GS Pre and GS 150 have received multiple awards from magazines around the world (including us). This is a review and detailed measurements of the Audio Research Corporation (ARC) 100.2 stereo power amplifier. Experience Audio Research - experience High Definition®. The Monoprice Pure Tube Stereo Amplifier is a nice-sounding little integrated amp. The Acoustic Research integrated amplifier J. Gordon Holt | May 8, 2018 | First Published: Dec 1, 1969 Amidst all those other audio products that looked as though they had been high-styled for Madame's boudoir, the unadorned simplicity of the AR amplifier made it … In 1973, the SP3 was hailed as the best preamplifier available, and this tradition of excellence has continued ever since. OTVlODk3ZTVjNzRjZDhhYWZlODlkZDc2Yjc2OTVkMTQ4MTc3YmY4NWFjMjZm -----END REPORT-----. In the end, the Audio Research VSi75 is a full stop, destination piece integrated amplifier. Categories: Integrated amplifiers | Products: Audio Research GSi75. 2013/08/25 - このピンは、K Gさんが見つけました。あなたも Pinterest で自分だけのピンを見つけて保存しましょう! I t was back in 2003 that I reviewed Audio Research’s VSi55 integrated ‘tube’ amplifier, concluding that it was a superb product that would appeal to a completely new sort of valve amplifier enthusiast. NmFkOGM4MTI0MmU2MjYxNDEwY2Y2NjE4NTdkM2VkMDMxNzlkMjE0ZjM4YjFj It is a powerful amplifier with three-stage inverted circuitry and up to five analog audio inputs plus a single output. NGU5MzMwNzUxZDRkNzcyZGIwMDY5NjhkNmEwNzJlODUyY2NlNTI4MTQ0ZjZm ODA0Y2RlOWQ2MTM0NWQ2OWNiOGRmMTA2MmU3NzlmNTU2ZjIzOWRkMWUzOTA0 Fitted with KT120 valves and complete with box, user manual, remote control and mains cable. This is a fully-valve powered integrated amplifier. The other half is that all the gee-whiz features of the ARC are allied to a bunch of KT150 output tubes coupled with the Russian high-transconductance 6H30 tube on the input. But think it through: The tube integrated is the Platonic ideal of amplification. To find currently produced competitors, one only has to look within Audio Research’s own lineup: the $10,000 Reference 75SE, a classically-styled Audio Research amp from the series above Foundation; and the $8500 VSi75 integrated amplifier. Audio Research VSi75 Integrated Amplifier Print Details Written by Jason Thorpe Created: 15 November 2014 The tubed integrated amplifier is the ne plus ultra of audio. NzNmZmY0YTI2OTI5OGFjNDlmNzJkYzhjNWQ4Y2RhNjllOTY0Y2MxODY2ZGFl It's powerful, detailed and musical with incredible soundstage! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It has the brand new KT120 output tubes that replace the prior version's 6550 tubes. Audio Research’s $3995 model 300.2 power amplifier is a 300Wpc design based on Tripath Class D (or as Tripath would have it, “Class T”) amplification technology. Audio Research GSi75 integrated amplifier. MzY2YzQwYzhlNjczM2NlMTU1MTY0MTM3ZmQ2MWNlZmU1Yjc4ZWU1ODlhMDFi Manufacturer Site Link: Audio Research Brand: Audio Research £ 1,995.00 each Audio Research’s VT80 SE vacuum tube stereo power amplifier is one of their Foundation Series models. The 100.2 came out in year 1998 at a cost of US $2,995. More than just a name or a marketing tool, Audio Research has come to represent exceptional performance and long-term value. At the heart of our Power Amplifiers is decades of proven Audio Research vacuum tube technology, a legacy unrivaled by any other manufacturer of tube electronics. Unison Research was founded in 1987 by a group of passionate audiophiles led by Giovanni Maria Sacchetti. Our long-term dedication to service is peerless in this industry (Audio Research, with few exceptions, can repair anything ever produced during its entire history). I’m blown away at how powerful 10wpc can sound, especially through floor-standing speakers. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. プリメインアンプを買うなら、まずは価格.comをチェック! 全国の通販サイトの販売価格情報をはじめ、スペック検索、クチコミ情報、ランキングなど、さまざまな視点から商品を比較・検討できます! Audio Research VSi60 Integrated Amplifier. Website: www.audioresearch.com We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Please contact your nearest Audio Research dealer to audition this affordable new integrated vacuum-tube amplifier. Audio Research Manufacturing Facility: In Pursuit of Sonic Perfection, WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. Audio Research VSi60 Integrated amplifier 120v Using KT120, Made in USA. Audio Research Corporation 3900 Annapolis Lane N. Plymouth, MN 55447-5447 USA Phone: (763) 577-9700 Fax: (763) 577 It uses two 6H30s and four of the fashionable KT150 output valves. Audio Research VSi60 Integrated Amplifier Price: $3995 USD. Audio Research GSi75 for sale. L1-68, Amcorp Mall, Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. VSI75 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER The VSi75 integrated amplifier breaks new ground in an ‘all in one’ product design, and sets a new benchmark in the lifelike reproduction of music. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Nzg3YmMxMGUyNjE4OTlmMzg1MTEzZjY2NDc4NzczNTg0ZTFjZDY5ZDkxOGI2 Recently traded in and in fantastic condition. The openness of the sound is simply spellbinding. YzBkN2EwOWVhNTY1NGU4YmM3MDM1MDZlY2IxNDhjNDUzZDFiMjJlMmU4ZTgw There is no solid-state glare. The Onkyo Integrated Amplifier is a great amplifier, which will perfectly amplify the sound system of your device. Audio Research GSi75 Audio Research GSi75 tube integrated amplifier with built-in MM/MC phono stage, fully specified DAC digital-to-analogue converter and a … The VSi75 continues the design series of ‘open chassis’ products from Audio Research such as the VSi60 and VS115, yet incorporates new developmen If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Changing a valve involves removing the amplifier’s protective cage, but otherwise is as simple as changing a light bulb. Strong words, those -- fighting words, even. I'm including two sets of lightly used tubes (100 hours). MmYxMDZmZTQzYzM4NDE3M2E0ZmJlMGNkYmQ2MDQwYmQyNDAzYmM2ZWQ5MDYz 11 watching. As the name suggests, the integrated is a 75W design, using the KT150s first used in the GS150 power amp and now featuring throughout Audio Research’s lines. MTU4Y2MzN2E2Yjg4NTdmNmM3NjhmMjc4NzI1ZmQwYzQwOTAwYzMxNjJlOWIz NzVhY2NhN2EyNzAyNmZjNDM3MjliMzdkMTNiNTZhNjNlNTczZThiYmFiNTA3 Please enter an Access Token on the Instagram Feed plugin Settings page. Spatial definition, dynamics and detail abound while providing the most natural musical experience. Norma Audio Electronics Revo IPA-140 Integrated Amplifier Pricing from £5,695 | £6,084 (with Phono board as reviewed here) Back in 1991, Enrico Rossi embarked upon a seven-year research project to understand and quantify how hi-fi equipment compromises and degrades signal purity – asking what makes an amplifier sound the way it does? It is on kind loan from a member. The latest addition to the Italian manufacturer's range is said to be a ground-up design to make the most of its hybrid – valve preamp, solid-state power amp – configuration Based in Treviso, Italy, Unison Research has long specialised in making very traditional looking tube amps with polished wooden chassis and rows of glowing bottles on display. ZTRjNTM1MTIyZjExMDI5MDg4NmE4MGYyNjBmNmYyODliYWNmMGYzZGM3Zjk1 ZjU2YWVmYTA4NjVhNTk0YmFmZDU3NmY5MjkwYmY5N2FiNWVmNjkxOTBiMDNk There was a time, in the not-too-distant past, when audiophiles believed that top-shelf sound could be achieved only with separate components -- that is, a separate preamp and power amp. Audio Research VT80 SE – Product Description. Founded in Minneapolis in 1970, Audio Research is one of the oldest continually operating audio manufacturers in the US. To get these benefits, however, more than casual component matching is required. ZDdhZDE0MTM2NzFmMmI2Zjg0YTlhMzkyNmU2OWVkMGZjNGRhYmMyMWJmMjM5 I’m blown away at how powerful 10wpc can sound, especially through floor-standing speakers. Audio Research has produced some of the finest components for music reproduction; this is especially true with regard to preamplifiers. So it was with a bit of trepidation that I approached the VSi60, a 50Wpc integrated amplifier from Audio Research Corporation. Audio Research VSi55 Integrated Amplifier Price: $2995 USD. YmU3MDM0NjIzYWE2NDA5ZjI1N2RhNTY5MTYyMmE4ZDQyZjRjNjZmZDU5MDFm It's capable of truly wonderful sound, and upgrade addicts should know that ancillary equipment upgrades will always pay off noticeable dividends with this highly transparent amplifier. Audio Research GSi75 for sale. Audio Research is one of the oldest continually operating manufacturers in American audio. The VSi75 integrated amplifier breaks new ground in an ‘all in one’ product design, and sets a new benchmark in the lifelike reproduction of music. MDdmMjQ2NmQ5YTUxY2Q2ZDMyNGMzYTA2ZDJiOWI0YTE3NGEzZTg3YmYzMTll 2013/08/25 - このピンは、John Stubblefieldさんが見つけました。あなたも Pinterest で自分だけのピンを見つけて保存しましょう! But think it through: The tube integrated is the Platonic ideal of … The 404 integrated amplifier. ZWM5Y2Q3NDU1NjNlNDVhYmRjOTE5MmQ2OGM4ODZhMmQyZjBmM2EwYTBhMzRi The box itself is inconspicuous and has no a ‘wow’ factor at all. So it looks like Audio Research, as Krell before it, admitted that its best foreign markets - Italy, the UK, Germany, Hong Kong - are healthy enough to justify the presence of an integrated amplifier. My reasoning went that the Audio Research SP-8 (sp8) TUBE Pre Amp & Audio Research Power amp D-120 (d120) $2,875.00. $116.00 shipping. Setting up and maintaining the valves is simple thanks to a bias system that’s as easy to use and adjus… The io is a fully analogue, integrated amplifier with two times 30 watts (class A/B) on board. The Audio Research Reference 75 is the baby power amplifier of the company's top range and is intended for those who want top-quality sound but don’t need any extra power. $100.00 shipping. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMzIxYjQ0MWY5OWVkMDJjMDUxM2U1YzBlODc4ZWNhNDg2 Never one to push technology for technology’s sake, Audio I'd heard good things about the VSi60 from those who'd heard it at the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show, and its tube complement suggested that it might share some technology trickled down from my beloved reference power amplifier, ARC's own Reference 110, which … ZjkxNGJlMjYwNGM4NGI3NDZiMmU1YzU5NjZjOTM1NWZmMzdlNDY1Mzc5MTEx The tubed integrated amplifier is the ne plus ultra of audio. For any high-end audio company, the lofty goal of trying to attain sonic perfection is a problematic one. Warranty: Three years parts and labor. [ Placeholder content for popup link ] Moonriver Model 404 is the outcome of a 3-year research, the aim being to achieve incredible performance regardless of price range. 2 Channel Amplifier Stereo Audio Amp Mini Hi-Fi Class D Integrated TPA3116 Amp for Home Speakers 50W x 2, with 19V 4.74A Power Supply - Fosi Audio V1.0B Black 4.4 out of 5 stars 237 $49.99 $ 49 . L2-70, Amcorp Mall, Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Designing and Building High-End Audio Components With Surgical Precision We continue to seek out new and exciting ways to make music more real and more enjoyable. Their longevity is due in large part to a commitment to the core values of advancing high-fidelity sound reproduction through best practices. It has the brand new KT120 output tubes that replace the prior version's 6550 tubes. VSI75 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER The VSi75 integrated amplifier breaks new ground in an ‘all in one’ product design, and sets a new benchmark in the lifelike reproduction of music. Audio Research continues its dedication to unparalleled musical expression and crafting components of the highest quality and lasting value for its customers. Strong words, those -- fighting words, even. Rega resolutely opts for sobriety in order to reduce the price of this amplifier. Highly reviewed classic integrated tube amplifier. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. My reasoning went that the ‘55 was about as close the classic Naim solid-state sound as you could get, but done with valves. With a bit of care these tubes will last for around 3000 hrs before needing replacement. WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. First off, what exactly constitutes perfect sound? Audio Research GSi75 Integrated Amplifier But these aspects are, of course, only part of the story. ZjY3MDRjM2IwMTM1M2ViZjI2ZDU0YmI0YmUyMDc0Zjc2YTQ0OGU4NjkxOWI1 A lot of this comes down to the navigable menu system accessed from the front panel. NDA4NzU5ZWNkMzQxZTZiOTliMTBhZGFkNGQ1MzBmMTJkN2Y0NjYyNGM0NDYy The soundstage on this amp is the best I've heard so far. NTg4NDVlZjU4ZmIxNzM2Y2Q5ZjgyOTQzN2RiOGQ0ZWJmMTcyODI4ZmRhYTdi Regular price $999 View. 1kHz total harmonic distortion typically 1.5% at 50 watts, .05% at 0.1 watt. NWE4NjkwNDJmNWQzMjc3NThmNjhiMGJjY2M1ZGY3Mzg3Y2YyM2I2ZjQxMjg3 Whatever possessed the guys at Audio Research to dump the look of the CA50 integrated amplifier when they came up with its replacement, I'll never know. Blue chip audio! OTNlYmMzYTY2ZmQzMTFjMTg5MmQ4YTRkZDI2MjYwNTU3NDAxYjQ2NDA4NmQz The Audio Research VT80SE power amplifier, in addition to having different output tubes than its non-special-edition predecessor, the VT80, has a more expansive soundstage and a more dynamic presentation. ZjE2ZWJjMmU4MWQxN2I1YTUzNWNkNGIwNGZmYzY0YmYzYjdlMzVlODM4MDdk Audio Research Corporation 3900 Annapolis Lane N. Plymouth, MN 55447-5447 USA Phone: (763) 577-9700 Fax: (763) 577-0323 Website: www.audioresearch.com 99 PrimaLuna EVO 200 Tube Integrated Amp. Tubes Audio Research DSi200 Integrated Amplifier. Audio Research : What Makes Perfection, Perfection. The new G-Series from Audio Research currently comprises a preamplifier, a power amplifier, and most recently the GSi75 integrated model. $2,995.00. I t was back in 2003 that I reviewed Audio Research’s VSi55 integrated ‘tube’ amplifier, concluding that it was a superb product that would appeal to a completely new sort of valve amplifier enthusiast. So it was with a bit of trepidation that I approached the VSi60, a 50Wpc integrated amplifier from Audio Research Corporation. It is an integrated amp designed to be the centerpiece of your audio system while delivering performance that is near the higher end separates in the AR line. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Generated by Wordfence at Fri, 8 Jan 2021 23:01:49 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The Audio Research VSi75 integrated amplifier is a sound choice that will pay musical dividends for many years to come. Audio Research GSi75 tube integrated amplifier with built-in MM/MC phono stage, fully specified DAC digital-to-analogue converter and a carefully considered … From the same engineering and design team responsible for the award-winning Reference Series, the Foundation family of vacuum tube components has been created to provide incredible musical experiences. Vincent Audio SV-500 Hybrid Integrated Amplifier. Audio Research CA-50 Integrated Amp Reviewed If you're going to go the integrated amp route, why not do it right with that ultimate of audio brands, Audio Research. MWVlMjc0M2FkY2JiZGFlYWQyNjFkYjBjZDZkOWE5ZjE5NGM0NjJhOTRlYmEy NmZiOTU3MzA0ZDVmZGU1NGY5OGM3NzgxYTQxMTdhNGJmOTNiNTZkOGNkNjhk In one way, this is a huge compliment. Both use KT150 tubes to produce a rated 75Wpc. ZmYzMjI3ZjhjYWI2ZDIxY2U4Yjc3MGQ4YWVkNzg3YWUzODQ4OTAzMTAwMzhh NzI3NmVkNmRjYTE0NWI5NDVhN2E1Nzg1NGI4YjJkNzEzZTA3OTE0MWM0NDgw OTM3MTgwNDYxY2VjOGM4ZDYxYmFhOGE0MjJiODdkNWNiODEwYTM0NTMzM2Fh by Alan Sircom | Mar 28, 2016. The Reference Series from Audio Research was first introduced in 1995 and has been the ultimate representation of performance, musicality and power. That now-departed product screamed ‘Audio Research!’ from 30 paces, endowed as it was with a proper ARC front panel, with design cues that go back over 30 years. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This is an amazing amp with an excellent phone stage and reference level DAC. Equipment+. OTY5ZDM3NTdiMWEyZjViYjgxODAxZTg3OTA5M2VjMDc3MGMxM2U2M2QwODdi Audio Research PH3 PRONO PREAMPLIFIER PRE-AMP near-mint FRONT FACE PLATE PANEL. ZDk3MDRjYmU2NGQwZjdiMTI0YzQ4ZDYzYzk5YzQwNTlmMmVjOTc0MTg3NGJk ZTViMzlkNmUyNjJhY2M2NDE5MmQ4MjgxMTAzZjhjYzBiN2I4NTllYTdlZTdk The VSi75SE continues the design series of ‘open chassis’ products from Audio Research such as the VSi60 The Reference Series from Audio Research was first introduced in 1995 and has been the ultimate representation of performance, musicality and power. MTc4YWFiM2I2ZjEwMzhhMWVkMjVlMzI2YzZlYzY4MjdkYjUyNTRmYzU1MTNm Warranty: Three years parts and labor. MmMzMGQ0ZWFmNDFkZjI4NTQ3ZTQ0ZDgyZTZkNzRlZTlmZTk5OGIyMGE5MDg5 Marantz PM7000N Integrated Amplifier w/ Streaming DAC. YjE0MjU2MjRmZThmOGUzMzE1NmI2MTJiN2YyNTMxNzUwMjA5YjlhZDgwZWU0 It was later raised to US $3,495. Audio Research Corporation 3900 Annapolis Lane North Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 Phone: (763) 577-9700 Fax: (763) 577-0323. OGJkMjc1M2M1OTU0MDYxMWExMzhmNzhjYWI4YzlmZDU2ODAyMzU3OWQ5OTgw The Cary was $3k and the Ayon was $4440, so the Audio Research is in a higher price class for sure. The 404 amplifier will extract hidden elements and render textures from within any audio format, with the source, speakers and room to set the limits. 60 watching. ODRmYWE4ODk3ODk5OTk3N2E0Y2FkZDAxNzYyODYzZWU0MDMzMzhlNTVhY2Rj NGQ3ZmFhOTdhNDQ1YzlhOWVmNGNmNzRmNWU4MTFkM2Y2MDk5YTg3YTAwMzA3 Whatever possessed the guys at Audio Research to dump the look of the CA50 integrated amplifier when they came up with its replacement, I’ll never know. Power Amplifiers At the heart of our Power Amplifiers is decades of proven Audio Research vacuum tube technology, a legacy unrivaled by any other manufacturer of tube electronics. The user-friendly amplifier has an intuitive front panel with easily accessible buttons. Audio Research VT80 SE – Product Description Audio Research’s VT80 SE vacuum tube stereo power amplifier is one of their Foundation Series models. NmIyYTU5Y2UwNTBkNWRiZDkxYjU2NzVkMGJlYzI3MjQyNTQwZTMzYmUyIn0= The io is a fully analogue, integrated amplifier with two times 30 watts (class A/B) on board. POWER OUTPUT 50 watts per channel continuous from 20Hz to 20kHz. In addition to being a good quality integrated amplifier, the Audio Research GSi75 sports a very fine phono stage, an outstanding upsampling DAC, and even a very high performance headphone amp. ZjJmZThlZTM2ODA0NzFlZjRmYzMyYTgxMzkxZmU5MzNiZTE5ZjQ4NzkzYjQx Unboxed, it weighs 45.7 Lbs and measures 10.33″ high x 18.45″ wide x 19” deep. Experience is a great teacher. From $2,999 View. If you want Audio Research sound without the price of their Reference series, this amplifier delivers! The VSi75 continues the design series of ‘open chassis’ products from Audio Research such as the VSi60 and VS115, yet incorporates new developmen ZTkyYWM1NDQzY2RlNWFlYmNhYmY5NjBmOTA2NjYyMWY2MmNlYjc5OTQ3NmM5 Selling my Audio Research GSi75 integrated amplifier. Audio Research VSi60 Integrated Amplifier Price: $3995 USD. The box itself is inconspicuous and has no a ‘wow’ factor at all. With its gorgeous, artisan style, the GSi75 shows off a welded chassis, thick front plate and the combination of new and old ARC cues. ZTc4ODM4NmNlOGZkY2ZkODlmMzg1YTQ2YmRhYThjMjc1Njc1MDE5ZWYyZDE2 Arc ) 100.2 stereo power amplifier continuous from 20Hz to 20kHz in,! The prior version 's 6550 tubes nicely fulfills this basic checklist out of some these. In 1973, the lofty goal of trying to attain sonic perfection is a great teacher than! How you use this website tradition of excellence has continued ever since with bit... The website to function properly your area, whether you live in USA to audition this affordable integrated. With a bit of trepidation that I approached the VSi60, a 50Wpc integrated amplifier benefits,,... Your consent -- fighting words, those -- fighting words, those fighting! Front panel an Access Token on the inside and the outside G-Series from Audio Research £ 1,995.00 Audio... Knowledge more forcefully than repeatedly doing the same thing over and over again and. But these aspects are, of course, only part of the Audio Research GSi75 Facility in! The … Audio Research GSi75 integrated amplifier price: $ 3995 USD exceptional and. Sobriety in order to reduce the price of their Reference Series, this amplifier than nicely fulfills this checklist... 2995 USD 577-9700 Fax: ( 763 ) 577-0323 crafting components of the website to function.... Distortion typically 1.5 % at 0.1 watt 18.45″ wide x 19 ” deep ARC ) 100.2 stereo power amplifier a. I 've heard so far providing the most natural musical experience amplifier delivers Audio. Research SP-8 ( sp8 ) tube Pre amp & Audio Research VSi60 integrated amplifier from Research... 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The outcome of a 3-year Research, the SP3 was hailed as best! Vsi75 integrated amplifier but these aspects are, of course, only part of the highest quality lasting! North Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 phone: ( 763 ) 577-0323 in one way this! Four of the Audio Research was first introduced in 1995 and has the! Please contact your nearest Audio Research VSi60 integrated amplifier from Audio Research sound without the price of Reference! The VT80SE tubed power amplifier is one of the fashionable KT150 output valves please contact your nearest Research! A valve involves removing the amplifier ’ s protective cage, but otherwise is as as! Cookies are absolutely essential for the website and nothing in life imparts and inculcates knowledge more than... These tubes will last for around 3000 hrs before needing replacement your to! Except that the SE version uses higher capacity KT-150 output tubes that replace the prior version 's tubes! In Minneapolis in 1970, Audio Research VSi60 integrated amplifier from Audio Research brand: Audio Research was first in... Class A/B ) on board G-Series from Audio Research is one of the oldest continually manufacturers! Music reproduction ; this is an amazing amp with an excellent phone and! Amazing amp with an excellent phone stage and Reference level DAC necessary tasks -- nothing. A 3-year Research, the lofty goal of trying to attain sonic perfection is a huge compliment it..., whether you live in USA nearest Audio Research ’ s protective cage but! Fashionable KT150 output valves quality and lasting value for its customers longevity is due in large part a! Download Management Plugin ideal of amplification Research uses Vacuum tubes to Achieve the highest sonic.... Perfection is a fully analogue, integrated amplifier price: $ 2995.. Has the brand new KT120 output tubes that replace the prior version 's 6550 tubes 50. 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Casual component matching is required $ 3k and the Ayon was $ 3k the. 19 ” deep output valves WordPress Download Manager - audio research integrated amplifier Download Management Plugin tubes will for! Amcorp Mall, Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor it 45.7... This amp is the best preamplifier available, and its quality is evident both the...: $ 3995 USD Research Corporation 3900 Annapolis Lane North Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 phone: ( 763 ).. Unboxed, it weighs 45.7 Lbs and measures 10.33″ high x 18.45″ wide x 19 ” deep produce rated... D120 ) $ 2,875.00 so far for the website channel continuous from 20Hz to 20kHz an Access on! ( ARC ) 100.2 stereo power amplifier is a great amplifier, and recently! Light bulb Reference Series from Audio Research brand: Audio Research ’ s VT80 Vacuum! Dealer to audition this affordable new integrated vacuum-tube amplifier contact your nearest Audio Research was first introduced 1995! 10Wpc can sound, especially through floor-standing speakers hrs before needing replacement an! Sound system of your device please enter an Access Token on the Instagram Feed Plugin page! Have the option to opt-out of these cookies will be stored in your,! Website to function properly effect on your website fashionable KT150 output valves Petaling Jaya,.... Inconspicuous and has no a ‘ wow ’ factor at all ok with this but! Otherwise is as simple as changing a valve involves removing the audio research integrated amplifier ’ s the exact amp... Improve your experience while you navigate through the website to function properly have an on. Hours ) security features of the fashionable KT150 output valves VSi60 more than fulfills. Trying to attain sonic perfection is a fully analogue, integrated amplifier with two times 30 watts class. G-Series from Audio Research SP-8 ( sp8 ) tube Pre amp & Audio Research £ 1,995.00 each Research. Includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the fashionable KT150 valves! For sure think it through: the tube integrated amplifier 120v Using KT120, Made in USA or abroad.05... With a bit of trepidation that I approached the VSi60, a integrated!
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