• A – Minimum for down travel Step 2: Determine Total Travel: the total travel is the vertical design travel plus the recommended over travel rounded up to the nearest ½ inch. Quality Pipe Supports (QPS) Ltd. • RTO – Rod take out for down travel Important Notes: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Comparative Corrosion Resistance Guide, Installation & Maintenance Bottom Mounted Constant Spring Supports. Important Notes: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. • F – Maximum length for the load range • WT – Maximum weight for the load range, Download PTP 100-B Constant Spring Support PDF. The travel stop (painted red) should now slip out easily. • D – J-Rod position for down travel *Drawing shown for down travel • WT – Maximum weight for the load range. Re-tighten the 2 travel stop nuts above the angles. Figure PTP 200-C is a horizontal constant suspended from a beam. The Pipe Stress model determines how the piping can be designed to move and avoid placing under stress on the nozzles to equipment and the piping itself. Our constant supports/hangers are manufactured mainly in horizontal and vertical models. Fig. Figure PTP 100-C is a vertical constant suspended from a beam. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OF CONSTANTS Hydro test line if necessary. For a total travel of 5 1/2 the table titled Total Travel 4 1/2 to 6 (see Page 82) will be used to get the physical dimensions. The MSS standard provides for a tolerance of 6% in the constant load through the travel range. Fig. MENU MENU Alibaba.com. Constant spring support is specially used to accommodate constant effort load, excessive movement of the pipeline due to high temperature and pressure of thermal movement. • TO – Take out for up travel China Constant Spring Support manufacturers - Select 2021 high quality Constant Spring Support products in best price from certified Chinese Support Unit manufacturers, Support Bearing suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China.com Fig. This concept utilizes the principle of a varying leverage about a main pivot… The simplified construction, together with the compression spring working in conjunction with a bell crank lever, achieves a mathematically perfect counter-balancing of spring and load moments about the main pivot point. PTP 200 – F-Constant Spring Danger!! • E – J-Rod position for up travel PTP figure 100 type F (Layout-B) is a vertical constant designed to support piping from below. 2. – Perform a Pipe Stress Analysis to determine exact load and movement. 1400 Pipe Shoe Solution for Vibration in Piping, Case Study: Engineered Support for Vibration problem, Piping Alignment and Pipe Strain Solutions. Screw Threads are ISO-metric coarse pitch series (6mm pitch series above size M64). Example 1 Load = 2,400 lb. The load ranges in the tables below are half the total load lifted by the assembly, with the pipe line seated in the center of the C-C dimension, where each constant carries half the total load. The hanger load needs to be increased if the pin is in position A, or decreased if the pin is in position C. Once disengaged, the travel stop may be stored by hanging it from the constant. Adjusting the load to higher or lower load from the load specified on the nameplate using load adjustment is approximate and not recommended. • WT – Maximum weight for the load range, Download PTP 200-F Constant Spring Support PDF. • L – See side view of PTP 100-D Constant Spring Hangers are also used where load variation over 6% is not permitted, even if the vertical movement is not large. 6. Spring Supports sizing is determined by a Pipe Stress Model which assesses the thermal growth and associated stress on the piping, nozzles, etc. Loosen the travel stop nuts below the angles to allow the load flange to rise up to the installed height: 3/8″ max. Inspection and Maintenance of Supports English Sourcing Solutions Services & Membership Help & Community Ready to Ship Trade Shows Get … • D – Minimum height The cam is designed such that the distances from the main pivot changes to compensate for the variable resistance during compression of the coil. These must be present during installation and any hydro testing, but must be removed before normal operations. The single rod suspension must be mounted flush to the bottom of the beam where the suspension rod is 1/4 inch thicker than J-Rod. Have questions regarding our products or need a quote? Variable Supports are manufactured in five different Travel Series which allow up to ten inches of movement and twenty … Fig. Please call for dimensions on such special designs. Note that if the pipe line is not centered in the C-C dimension, then one constant in the assembly will carry a heavier load than the other. If this is the case, to clear the depth of the supporting steel, the rod take out (RTO) can be specified to exceed the minimum. Pre-relaxed springs eliminate any significant loss of load-bearing capacity. and 7″ of movement in a 0.89 Cubic Foot envelope. The whole assembly moves through the total travel. • E – J-Rod position for up travel Constant Spring Supports. • WT – Maximum weight for the load range (per side) • RTO – Rod take out for down travel For all constant spring supports there is no difference in load and the supported load will remain uniform throughout the deflection cycle. Download PTP 100-A Constant Spring Support PDF. Secure the hanger to a structure capable of handling the operating load, at a point where the constant’s load coupling is directly over the desired point of attachment to the pipe in the operating position. For can type springs the spring height should be kept minimum from a stability point of view. hbspt.forms.create({ • L – Maximum for the load range • WT – Maximum weight for the load range, Download PTP 200-U Constant Spring Support PDF. As with variable springs, Type refers to the connection of the constant to the structure and the pipe. Thus, a 2000-pound hanger can be adjusted for loads from 1800 to 2200 pounds. The rod take out (RTO) can be specified to exceed the maximum. For load and travel not in the tables, please call for dimensions. The travel stop pin must be engaged before load adjustment is performed. To get the proper dimensions, figure (100 or 200), type (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U), load, total travel, and direction of travel are required. The base plate is bolted directly to the top of the steel or floor. Having started as a Pipe Stress Engineering company, PT&P has deep experience in Pipe Stress Analysis. We can quote directly from the stress analysis. Load adjustment of + / – … on the high side (the other load of 2,277 lb. Important Notes: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. For load and travel not in the tables, please call for dimensions. Important Notes: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. The base plate is bolted directly to the top of the steel or floor as shown above. Cold and hot loads shall be the same. For minor vertical travel the Variable Load Support is normally used, whereas the Constant Load Support should be used for greater levels of thermal expansion. Fig. If pin cannot be easily removed after struts adjustment, do not drive pin out. This range of bottom mounted constant spring supports offered by us is for high vertical travel in pipeline , ( say more than 50mm onwards) . • F – Maximum length for the load range This constant resistance is achieved by having two-moment arms pivoted about a common point. ORDERING: Specify figure number, size, type, load, actual travel, total travel, direction of travel, and C-C dimension. Have questions regarding our products or need a quote? The hanger rod and loading arm of the constant should be unobstructed. Constant Spring hanger- Load remains constant throughout its operating range. White: installation (COLD) position • M – Maximum height for the load range * If drawings are unattainable or you don’t have access to the ISO drawings, we can perform Laser Scanning on the piping system and generate the drawings. Figure PTP 200-D is a horizontal constant with top attachment which is bolted directly to the bottom of the steel as shown above. The load adjustment capability consists of a load adjustment scale which is used to increase (Figure A) or decrease (Figure C) the load up to 10%. – Weigh the Piping to determine the load and estimate movement from existing spring support PTP 100 – E-Constant Spring Thus, the total travel is 4 1/2” rounded to the upper 1/2”. 4. This is vertical for Figure 100, and horizontal for Figure 200. Loosen the main nut, then retighten the lock nut. Supports are supplied with hot-dip galvanized finish as standard. 4. Figure PTP 200-A is a horizontal constant suspended from a beam. PTP 100 – C-Constant Spring The force is made constant by a counterbalancing spring assembly. • E – Load flange position for up travel Total Travel = Actual Travel + Over Travel. Covered spring provides protection and good appearance. The next step would be to select a support type. ... NOTE-3: Number of hangers at location: For better stability, the base type spring support of 24″ and larger are used with 2 spring cans. • E – J Rod position for up travel Constant Spring Supports. Note that *Drawing shown for up travel. Découvrez notre large sélection de constant spring support sur support d'étagère ,masque de support et poursuivez le shopping sur m.french.alibaba.com. 7. Load adjustment in the field is discouraged as it may significantly change the system. Piping Technology & Products’ constant support hangers are principally used to support pipes and equipment subjected to vertical movement due to thermal expansion at locations where the transfer of stress to other supports or equipment can be critical. 3. The Variable Support is a spring loaded device used for the support of piping and equipment where normal vertical movement is anticipated. • E – J-Rod position for up travel The amount of over travel is determined by the method outlined below: In our first quote for an offshore application, we supported 7,000 lb. Constant load takes place through its range by a perfect counter balance crank lever where load and spring movements through the pivot ensure the minimum kinetic variation. When the operating conditions are reached, check the hanger to assure the indicator is at the hot (red mark) position. If not, adjust with the turnbuckles. Fig. If required, hydro testing should be done at this time. Customers can avail these Constant Spring Supports in different sizes and specifications. • D – Minimum for up travel • F – Maximum length for the load range • TO – Take out for up travel Methods of Protecting against Corrosion • CH – Size of channel, Download PTP 100-U Constant Spring Support PDF. Given an actual travel of 3.35”, which is under 5”, the amount of over travel is 1”. 3. 5. Attach the connecting rod to the turnbuckle with full thread engagement. The base plate is bolted directly to the top of the steel or floor as shown above. PTP figure 100 type E (Layout-B) is a vertical constant with a base plate which is bolted directly to the top of the steel. Fig. • RTO – Rod take out for down travel If this is the case, to clear the depth of the supporting steel, the rod take out (RTO) can be specified to exceed the minimum. In this system, the external load remains uniform while the moment around its fixed pivot point varies during displacement (due to changes in moment arm length). This avoids additional loading’s at the component connections to the pipework. Figure PTP 100-B is a vertical constant suspended from a beam. Constant Spring Support Constants use a spring coil (or series of coils) to accommodate pipe movement from the initial (installed) condition to the final (operating) condition of the piping system. The travel stop pin must be engaged before load adjustment is performed. Download PTP 200-C Constant Spring Support PDF. Special Design Features. of load and 4″ of movement in an 8″ x 10″ x 29″ envelope. The single rod suspension must be mounted flush to the bottom of the beam where the suspension rod is 1/4 inch thicker than J-Rod. This avoids additional loadings at the component connections to the pipework. Constants use a spring coil (or series of coils) to accommodate pipe movement from the initial (installed) condition to the final (operating) condition of the piping system. PTP 100 – D-Constant Spring 6. The Type G constant consists of two Type 100 constants connected by a beam, with the pipe being supported on the beam. The over travel is a safety margin to allow for the discrepancy between the calculated and actual travel. • F – Maximum length for the load range • RTO – Rod take out for down travel Fig. • D – J-Rod position for down travel Constant Spring Support And Hanger, Constant Spring Support And Hanger Suppliers Directory - Find variety Constant Spring Support And Hanger Suppliers, Manufacturers, Companies from around the World at truck spring hanger ,spring hanger ,trailer spring hanger, Springs. Then move across to the first column to determine the size of the constant support. All constants are shipped with at least 3 color-coded rivets (red, white and blue). • D – J Rod position for down travel Download PTP 100-D Constant Spring Support PDF. It can be furnished with single lug suspension or double lug suspension as shown above. PT&P is almost always very cost-effective for Pipe Stress Analysis. Few important points to keep in mind while Spring selection. It can be furnished with single lug suspension or double lug suspension as shown above. is the low side) gives a constant size of 34 in the first column. If axial movement cannot be tolerated, then a PTP figure 100 type U (vertical upthrust constant) would be appropriate for the application. Figure PTP 100-U is a vertical constant designed to support piping from below. Example Figure = 200 Type = C Load = 2,356 lb. Thus, the total travel is 9” rounded to the upper 1/2”. Non-resonant to all vertical vibrations. PTP figure 100 type E (Layout-A) is a vertical constant with a base plate which is bolted directly to the top of the steel. For all constant spring supports there is no difference in load and the supported load will remain uniform throughout the deflection cycle. Having the total travel and load, the constants are sized per the constant load table. Under no circumstances should an attempt be made to remove the lock nut and the load adjustment nut from the constant spring hanger. Constant Springs Installation & Maintenance Guide. Fig. The constant resistance to a load is achieved by combining a spring coil with a cam which rotates about a main pivot point. Figure PTP 200-E is a horizontal constant with base plates which are bolted directly to the top of the steel as shown above. Constants use a spring coil (or series of coils) to accommodate pipe movement from the initial (installed) condition to the final (operating) condition of the piping system. • E – J-Rod position for up travel Step 1: Determine The Load: this is the load (installed/operating) of the equipment or piping (including tare / dead weight), which the constant is to support. See note below on travel key removal. Attach load rods to the structural support. According to MSS-SP-58, the maximum recommended variation from the operating load for variable spring hangers is 25 %. PTP 200 – E-Constant Spring This constant supports vertical movement subjected by the total travel and no axial or lateral movement from its load flange unless a slide plate is added. • E – Maximum for down travel Constant spring support is specially used to accommodate constant effort load, excessive movement of the pipeline due to high temperature and pressure of thermal movement. For all constant spring supports there is no difference in load and the supported load will … The following example will illustrate the procedure. Constant Spring Supports. Considering All Movement in Pipe Support Design If the variation exceeds 25%, a constant support hanger should be used. 1400 Pipe Shoe Solution for Vibration in Piping, Case Study: Engineered Support for Vibration problem, Piping Alignment and Pipe Strain Solutions, Customization Addendum for Spring Supports, Spring Support Sizing & Pipe Stress Analysis, Engineered Spring Supports – General Information, Variable Spring Supports vs. The spring support basically employs a spring element, which can get compressed or stretch-out depending upon the thermal movement of pipe and the corresponding loads. PTP 100 – F-Constant Spring Download PTP 200-D Constant Spring Support PDF. For load and travel not in the tables, PLEASE CALL FOR DIMENSIONS. • L – Maximum length for the load range Using the turnbuckles, adjust the load indicator to the cold position. The rod take out (RTO) given in the tables below are maximum and made to not reach the supporting steel. To perform a Pipe Stress Analysis, PT&P will need Isometrics and overall specifications for the line. Size Range: Anvil Model R constant support hangers are made in two basic designs, 80- V (vertical design) and 81-H (horizontal design). Beyond the Pipe Stress analysis, we will need elevation, attachment type, and any space constraints. constant load spring supports The Constant Load Spring Supports (Constant Supports) provide a constant supporting force through the total travel of the support. IntroductionBergen Pipe Supports' constant spring hanger incorporates a design that generates a constant supporting force throughout its total travel range. Travel stops are installed in all constants before shipping. Constant springs are used to support piping whose movements and/or loading conditions cause too great a variability or too high of a loading condition for a variable spring. Constant Spring Hangers are designed to support piping and equipment where large vertical movements are expected and where the load variability of a variable spring hanger would exceed 25% of the design load. • WT – Maximum weight for the load rang, Download PTP 100-C Constant Spring Support PDF. Constant Spring Supports Piping Technology & Products’ constant spring hanger , usually referred to as a constant, provides constant support force for pipes and equipment subjected to vertical movement due to thermal expansion at locations where maintaining a constant stress is critical. It can be furnished with single lug suspension or double lug suspension as shown above. Constant spring hangers and supports are where used load will remain constant while line could take long vertical travel. The constant resistance to a load is achieved by combining a spring coil with a cam which rotates about a main pivot point. 1.0 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 DESIGN DETAILS The Constant Spring Support designed and manufactured by Carpenter & Paterson Ltd incorporates the latest design concepts, resulting in a constant support effort through the total travel of the unit. Note that the rod take out (RTO) for the single rod suspension must be adjusted by subtracting 1/4 inch from the values given in the tables below. 1. 2. maximum recommended variation according to MSS standard from the operating load is 25% for variable spring hangers. Figure PTP 100-D is a vertical constant with a top attachment which is bolted directly to the bottom of the steel as shown above. }); PT&P has set up it's manufacturing to offer an unparalleled set of customization options with minimal impact on delivery timeframes. • E – J-Rod position for up travel The maximum recommended variation according to MSS standard from the operating load is 25% for variable spring hangers. • D – J-Rod position for down travel The MSS standard provides for a tolerance of 6% in the constant load through the travel range. The following examples will illustrate the procedure. With a J-Rod of 3/4” and a load of 2,356 lb. ORDERING: Specify figure number, size, type, load, actual travel, total travel and direction of travel. To increase the cold setting be sure that the travel stop pin is in place. Figure PTP 200-F is a horizontal constant designed to support piping from below. Every constant spring hanger is calibrated in the factory and set to the load specified on the nameplate. For a total travel of 9” on the top row of the constant load table with a load of 2,413 lb. which falls in the load range of 766 – 2402, the Rod Take Out (RTO) for up travel is 21 11/16 (15 11/16 + 6, for up travel according to the note at the bottom of the table) and all other physical dimensions are given in the same row. Include half of the spring Supports are cold/preset to the top row the. Of 34 in the Pipe increase the cold ( white mark ) position mind while spring.... Pivoted about a main pivot changes to compensate for the discrepancy between the calculated and actual travel, total of. Your constant spring hanger is calibrated in the first column understand that this constant has movement. From 1800 to 2200 pounds axial movement subjected by the standard PT P! 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