Malgré ça, Hercule mène les trois hommes restant à un poste des rebelles. Despite seeming to be the protagonist of the story, Arthur wears a black hat, which is normally associated with the villain in old western stories, while Micah, who is depicted as the antagonist, wears a white hat, which is usually associated with the hero of such stories. The bank is completely surrounded, and Agent Milton calls for them to surrender, holding Hosea hostage. Depuis celle-ci il entend deux soldats parler, ils disent que le Colonel va faire exécuter Monroe. Arthur ramène Sadie et Abigail à Tilly et à Jack. La nouvelle que Penelope se rend au rassemblement des femmes pour le suffrage inquiète Beau et il informe Arthur que sa vie est en danger, lui offrant de l'argent s'il l'aiderait à la sauver. Once they get to safety, Micah instructs John to take the dynamite to Bacchus Bridge, and then asks Arthur to join him there later on to set up the dynamite. Levi Simon braque une arme sur Arthur. Leur but : retrouver Sean MacGuire, capturé durant le braquage de Blackwater, et le libérer des griffes de chasseurs de primes. Après avoir sauter dessus, l'armée défende le train. Cornwall refuse, Dutch lui tire alors dessus, le tuant. Puis, les deux hommes partent avec le chariot et l'amène à Bacchus Bridge, où ils demande à Arthur de les rejoindre plus tard pour placer la dynamite. Soon after leaving the reservation, Arthur suffers from a second, severe coughing fit and falls into unconsciousness. Hosea, meanwhile, says the plan is foolhardy, and will only endanger them. Au camp, Hosea propose à Morgan de l'accompagner pour chasser un grizzly. Elle dit qu'elle veut vérifier que John est toujours présent à Sisika avant de partir à son secours. The two of them then enter Aguadulces, where they see Colonel Fussar and a group of soldiers, who are dragging Javier along with a donkey and beating him for information on who the gang are. Au fil des années, Dutch, Hosea, John et Arthur réunissent plusieurs hors-la-loi parmi lesquels Abigail Roberts (la compagne de John), leur fils Jack, Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Susan Grimshaw, Molly O'Shea, Tilly Jackson, Leopold Strauss, Jenny Kirk, Lenny Summers, Mary-Beth Gaskill, L'Oncle, Karen Jones, Simon Pearson, Josiah Trelawny, les frères Mac et Davey Callander, le Révérend Orville Swanson ainsi que Sean MacGuire. After being held at gunpoint by a group of guards, Eagle Flies causes an explosion, distracting them and allowing Arthur to quickly gun them down. Malheureusement, les gardes entendent les coups de feu et se précipitent pour voir ce qu'il s'est passé. Arthur enters a cabin in the hope of finding Colm but is instead surprised by an O'Driscoll goon. Eventually, whether through canoe or horse riding, they eventually reach Beaver Hollow. De plus, Gray décide de demander de l'aide à Arthur, Dutch et Bill Williamson dans le but de réprimer une opération des pillards de Lemoyne. Despite his ability to commit great acts of violence, Arthur has his own moral code, and doesn’t believe in what he deems as unnecessary killing, especially if it endangers himself or those he cares about. The trolley eventually crashes, forcing the three to fight the policemen on foot. The duo ride over and find him being escorted into a cabin by a few bounty hunters. L'Autrichien est alors touché par balle à la jambe et est sauvé en même temps que John par Arthur et les autres membres de la bande qui prennent la fuite. Arthur tells John that he agrees, and John tells him that Abigail thinks that she knows where the money is. Arthur then goes after the widow looking for the money, but after finding her and seeing that she and her son are destitute, Arthur can choose to either absolve the debt, or do that in addition to giving Mrs. Londonderry some money to live on. Copper later passed away and Arthur kept a picture of him. The two are forced to kill almost every lawman in the town until at last Micah arrives at a house and knocks on the door, kills the man living there and his wife, and retrieves his prized revolvers from them. Dutch et Micah disent qu'il faut la laisser et fuir le pays, ils sont suivis par les autres membres. Arthur donne à John son chapeau et sa sacoche et quitte John pour le laisser fuir par lui-même. Notably, Arthur was kind and polite to John Marston’s then-four-year-old son, Jack, having a gentle demeanor around the young boy, in contrast to his threatening persona. Il lui balance un peu d'argent et lui dit de déguerpir, ce que fait Strauss. Arthur and John then go to the nearby saloon, where they meet Strauss and Dutch. After Arthur helps him up, the two manage to fight their way through the train and slay most of the guards, before the rest of the gang arrives and finishes off the remaining few. A lire sur : Dans trois mois, cela fera deux ans que Red Dead Redemption II est sorti. Arthur entend une serviteur parler de Leviticus Cornwall et après l'avoir suivi, il vole des documents le concernant avant de fuir du manoir avec les autres membres du gang. D'autres militaires rappliquent et tire sur Javier qui ne peut plus marcher. Afterward, Arthur rides to Downes Ranch, to get the money from Edith Downes that her husband owed. As they rush away, Javier is shot in the leg by reinforcements, and they are forced to leave without him. Après avoir perdu son argent, Blythe mise sa montre, qui est stockée dans un coffre-fort dans le bateau. Arthur lui répond qu'il est d'accord, et John dit que Abigail pense savoir où Dutch cache l'argent de la bande, Arthur dit alors qu'elle doit s'en assurer. Ironically, John's act of hunting down Micah and avenging Arthur's death ultimately leads to Edgar Ross kidnapping his family and his own death four years later. Il a également un chien, Copper. After arriving at La Capilla, Arthur rests for a short time, before setting out to find a way off the island. Edited August 17, 2020 by undergroundvicious. With Milliken hostage, they march up to the main gate of the fortress and tell them that they want to trade John for the guard. He would periodically visit Eliza and Isaac every few months and stay with them for days at a time. The two share a friendly conversation, discussing their history both in and outside of the gang, while Charles provides Arthur with some hunting tips. Lors de l'assaut, la bande a récupérer des plans mettant en scène une possible attaque de train. He also has a scar near his chin, which is visible when his facial hair is around level 2 and 3. After moving to the new camp location, Hosea, Arthur, and Dutch go out riding. Une fois cela fait, il l'envoie récupérer la dette de Thomas Downes. Cependant, elle demande à son ancien compagnon d'aider son frère Jamie, qui a été endoctriné par une secte. A large posse of gang members attack Braithwaite Manor, and after a long fight take Catherine Braithwaite captive. After looting the ranch, they encounter Sadie Adler, whose husband was killed by the O'Driscolls. At some point, the gang hears that the O'Driscolls have planned a truce meeting for Dutch and Colm. Micah rétorque que c'est un mensonge. Tous deux lui apprennent, comme à John Marston, à lire, à tirer et à monter à cheval. Bill, Micah, and Sean go to Rhodes, shortly followed by Arthur, however, it turns out to be an ambush. After fighting off some men, Arthur eventually engages a huge, burly man named Tommy, who overpowers Arthur and throws him out the saloon window on to the muddy street outside. After forcing a man to give him the papers, he makes his escape. Arthur is subsequently paid by Beau, before he then returns to camp. Once on the boat, they set off to Lagras, planning on ransoming back Bronte. Arthur demonstrates an enormous capacity to acquire wealth and material for the Van der Linde gang through hunting, scavenging, fishing, crafting, gambling, robbing, looting, loan collecting, and various other means. Jamie prend la fuite en disant à Arthur qu'il a trouvé la vérité éternelle et qu'il n'est qu'un hors-la-loi sans cœur. Elle révèle alors que ses fils l'ont donnée à Angelo Bronte, un chef de groupe italien installé à Saint Denis. Arthur Morgan was born in 1863 to Beatrice and Lyle Morgan. After losing all of his money to Arthur, Blythe offers one final bet, in which he uses his Reutlinger pocket watch as credit. After meeting them, a gunfight breaks out, which results in the deaths of the O'Driscolls. Apparition(s) Milton tells him that Micah betrayed the gang and fed information to the Pinkertons since his return from Guarma, before being locked in a struggle with Arthur. Les quatre hommes rejoignent La Capilla. Dutch dira ensuite à Arthur de se rendre à Caliga Hall pour recueillir plus d'informations sur la famille Gray. Red Dead Redemption 2 He doesn't know what to say, but after some time, he agrees. Ils finissent par trouver un village abandonné où ils établissent temporairement leur campement. Weather’s offers a locket for the debt, leaving Arthur with the choice of accepting it or absolving the debt. By Daaafbon. The two attack the manor, and after eliminating the Lemoyne Raiders there, take the coach and drive it away. Leader of the PS3 GTA V Board PSN: flipication. He offers thousands of dollars to whoever kills Dutch, and when no one takes him up on the offer, begins insulting Dutch. Arthur will steal documents relating to him, before fleeing the mansion and meeting up with the rest of the gang. He isn’t above joking or employing sarcasm with his friends. Il insiste sur le fait qu'il ne leur a rien dit et, Arthur et Charles le ramènent au camp en toute sécurité. Gameplay The gang then use dynamite to enter the private car, where they manage to find some highly-valuable state bonds. Hercule, Dutch, and Arthur then rush out and clear out the soldiers that are preparing to take the fort. Strange and exotic sailor; Members; Joined: 10/03/2014; 5,901 Share; Posted August 17, 2020. Dutch grows concerned over Trelawny's disappearance and sends Arthur and Charles to find him. Par chance, la famille Allemande qu'il a aidé quelques mois plus tôt et l'emmène à Annesburg, où Arthur redevient conscient. The grave can be found in Ambarino, northeast of Bacchus Bridge. After he opens up the vault, Javier and Arthur point their guns at him and tell him to surrender his hidden pistol. Puis attaquent de face les gardes et se frayent un chemin jusqu'à la prison. At some point after his death, Arthur's body was found by Charles Smith, who buried him in a beautiful location facing the evening sun, the way he would have wanted. John s'en va et c'est la dernière fois que John et Arthur se voient. Arthur Morgan naît en 1863 de deux parents d'origine galloise. Les Gray ensuite demandent à la bande de les rencontrer à Rhodes pour trouver un emploi. New Game+ Save is essentially getting rid of all the repetitive grinding you would otherwise have to do in regular new games of Red Dead Redemption 2 such as hunting legendaries, and jotting down Point of Interests collectibles. Après qu'Arthur ait capturé à nouveau un groupe de hors-la-loi qui se sont échappés, Trelawny est libéré. Toute fois, Mary ne sait pas que Arthur est atteind de la tuberculose et que ses jours sont comptés. He rarely loses his cool and prioritizes the situation at hand rather than get caught up by his emotions. Unfortunately, the police have the area under heavy surveillance, and they cannot continue. When Arthur returns to Lagras, the gang boards Thomas's boat and make their way toward Angelo Bronte's mansion. Ils campent à la belle étoile et font cuire du lapin. Arthur tue rapidement le Colonel Favours. Kieran points out that he wouldn't have saved Arthur's life if that were the case and, with some more prompting from John and Bill, Kieran is allowed to stay with the gang. Deux problèmes se posent : John Marston, parti en éclaireur dans les montagnes, n'a pas donné signe de vie depuis un moment. Arthur and Charles instead discover a German mother and her children, with their father missing. Micah lui tombe dessus et l'attaque, il le poignarde avec son propre couteau. Après avoir vidé les lieux de ses occupants, Arthur trouve une femme nommée Meredith qui était retenu captive et était torturée. It is then that she demands more money, and when Dutch can't pay the rest of the promised money, she pulls a knife on him. Arthur donne à John son chapeau et sa sacoche et quitte John pour le laisser fuir par lui-même. The gang is then told by the Grays to meet them at Rhodes for a potential job opportunity. La situation s'envenime rapidement et une fusillade éclate. Arthur trop loin pour bien viser quitte sa position et traverse la ville. He insists that he told them nothing, and they bring him back to camp safely. Arthur rentre au camp, énervé par la souffrance que cause Strauss. Though he claims that he never got the hang of shooting a bow during a conversation with Charles, he nonetheless picks up the skill quite quickly. Susan choisit le côté de Arthur et pointe son fusil à pompe sur Micah. At his worst, Arthur could be extremely ruthless and completely unsympathetic to the people he hurts. Réalisant qu'ils doivent les faire taire avant de pouvoir fuir, la bande attaque les canons. Suddenly, Abigail shoots Milton in the temple with Sadie’s revolver, killing him and saving Arthur. Regarding Arthur's general attitude, he is stoic and humble, and never feels a need to prove himself to other members of the gang. Il part ensuite confronter Micah. Unlike John, Arthur knows how to swim, and is also a master equestrian. Gender Dutch says that he wants to kill Angelo Bronte for tricking them, and says it will make robbing the bank easier. L'offre est refusée et Milton s'en va, promettant de revenir avec cinquante hommes. Coyote Fang Trinket: +10% Dead Eye XP earned. Sur les ordres de Dutch, Arthur s'entretient avec un groupe d'Indiens dirigé par Paytah et Aigle-Qui-Vole. They then slay several guards on the walls, before attacking the army and fighting their way into the jail. Eventually, Arthur and John have their horses shot from under them, forcing them to go on foot after killing Pinkerton attackers. He then goes looking for Sean, who was supposed to have been dealing with the baggage car, only for him to have gone. Kieran then says that he's at Six Point Cabin, and is accompanied there by Arthur, John, and Bill. Actor Lorsque la rencontre se termine, Arthur et Charles embarque Monroe et une fusillade éclate. Il demande à la bande de les aider à détruire la raffinerie de Cornwall company en représailles. Arthur then goes after Londonderry, only to find out that he has died. Hosea later states that Arthur was "about" 13 when they found him, adding "maybe a little older". As of 1899, Arthur is approximately 36 years of age, with a muscular build perfect for his position, and a head of thick, brown hair, with green eyes. Après avoir tué les soldats reste de la bande pille le train. While Arthur loots the vault, the pit boss draws a second hidden gun, so Arthur is forced to shoot him. They cross the river and ride up the fort, where they wait until night. La Pinkerton arrive et tire sur les trois compères. Arthur takes her back to her mother in Annesburg, before returning to the Hollow where the rest of the gang has assembled. Arthur goes upstairs and enters a room, only to be surprise attacked by the crime lord. Nationality Arthur agrees to rob the raiders, and he and Lenny ride to where Lenny's contacts said to go to. If Arthur agrees to help her, he will find Jamie with them near Cumberland Forest. Arthur and Micah eventually manage to fight them off from the other side of a river, allowing the two to finally claim the money. They hide in the harbor, near to where Cornwall is expected to arrive. Many artworks and some trailers used it. Arthur se poste en tireur de précision. After wrestling Micah off him and taking back his knife, Micah takes out his own blade and the two engage in a knife fight. Le but est de se cacher des autorités, le terrain hostile pouvant temporairement repousser la traque dont pratiquement tous font l'objet. Après avoir volé la diligence, les membres du gang sont obligés de s'enfuir dans une grange voisine, où ils tentent de se cacher. This mod takes the 3 empty “for sale” cabins and turns them into mostly functional, fully decorated houses. Once he has sobered up, Arthur heads for Strawberry to rescue Micah. Terrifiée, elle s'avère être la femme du défunt qu'ils avaient vu plus tôt. At some point, Arthur will receive a letter from Mary Linton, who asks Arthur to meet her. Ensuite Sadie lui demande ensuite de la retrouver à Saint Denis pour qu'ils trouvent un plan pour faire évader John. Après avoir décidé que le seul endroit où il pourrait être est une ferme à proximité, ils se rendent et le trouvent enfermé dans une cabane par quelques chasseurs de primes. Ils traversent la rivière et chevauchent jusqu'au fort, où ils attendent la nuit pour attaquer. She then reveals that her sons gave him to Angelo Bronte, an Italian crime lord living in Saint Denis, before running into her burning home as the gang leaves her. Arthur et Micah l'accompagnent là-bas. He looks increasingly sickly and his face becomes pale, with his eyes becoming watery and red in the corners; he also develops eye bags, as a result of constant coughing. During Chapters 5 and 6, Arthur loses his stocky appearance, instead becoming underweight and sickly-looking. Cornwall refuses, and Dutch shoots him in the chest, killing him. Lyle Morgan (father) deadBeatrice Morgan (mother) deadMary Linton (ex-fiancée)Eliza (significant other) deadIsaac (son) deadCopper (dog) dead Suite à la capture de Aigle-Qui-Vole, un rendez-vous est organisé entre le Colonel Favours et Pluie-Battante. Après sa mort, Charles récupère son corps l'enterre dans un lieu magnifique. Van der Linde gangWapiti IndiansGray family (temporarily)Braithwaite family (temporarily)Guarma rebels (temporarily) En plus du bateau, des ennemis arrivent et les attaques. In 1885, he met a 12 year-old boy named John Marston who had been saved by Dutch from being lynched by a group of Illinois homesteaders. Alors qu'Arthur n'avait que 11 ans, il est témoin du meurtre de son père et a ensuite décidé de porter son chapeau. Arthur is unfortunately captured, and imprisoned with two other militants. Dutch says that he will rescue him, and goes after him while the rest of the gang eliminate the final soldiers guarding the train and take the loot. With low honor, Arthur can be seen as a selfish person thinking of himself solely, such as caring about his own survival, even prioritizing revenge on Micah and getting the gang's money stash over helping John and his family. Milton reveals that they caught and killed Mac Callander, and tells Arthur that in exchange for turning Dutch in he will be spared the noose. The news that Penelope is going to a women's suffrage rally alarms Beau, and he tells Arthur that her life is in danger, offering him money if he will help him save her. Dutch then comments on how he thinks Lenny saved them, and Arthur gives them each fifteen dollars. Les deux s'aventurent dans le champ et traquent les derniers chasseurs de primes avant de retourner voir Trelawny. When they reach the mainland, Arthur spots Sadie being chased by a group of O'Driscolls and opens fire upon them from the balloon. After delivering the letter to her, she gives him one of her own back, to give to Beau. Dans la panique, Dutch tue une femme innocente, Heidi McCourt. A bar fight breaks out after Bill drunkenly attacks someone after entering the saloon. Ever wondered what Arthur would have written in his journal if he was ever in New Austin? Arthur is seen to be one of the gang's best gunslingers, if not the best, rivaling if not surpassing Micah. John est touché et tombe du train. Located in the Heartlands. It's possible that Charles could have taken Arthur to wapiti where native remedies cured him and Arthur disappeared, essentially staging his death in a sense and living with a second chance, maybe reuniting with Mary... there's a fan fic for you. Their loot and escape with their father missing Micah lui tombe dessus dépose... Trelawny décide de le tuer ou de lui donner son bateau et $ 10.000 with Hosea Arthur. Informs Arthur of John ’ s map editor ces-derniers puissent tuer Arthur et Dutch pour s'assurer que Colm soit! 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