Over the past few decades, Keller (pictured above) has worked everywhere from AMD to Tesla, helping to develop new chips and hardware. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Tabor Communications, Inc. is prohibited. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The Principles define characteristics that contemporary data resources, tools, vocabularies and infrastructures should exhibit to assist discovery and reuse by third-parties.1. An EU recommendation is the FAIR Guideline for Scientific Data Management and Administration, which require that scientific data should be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).The guidelines originate from the Force 11 community and can be applied to both open and protected data and data repositories (Wilkinson et al, 2016). “The FAIR Data Principles are an effective way of enhancing access to data. ATS, STARS, SESIS) to ensure proper data for budget, accountability, and reporting purposes. The DOE Funding Opportunity Announcement, titled “Fair Data and Models for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,” along with a parallel, companion announcement for DOE laboratories, can be found on funding opportunities page of the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research within DOE’s Office of Science. We guide consumers to discover, select and use these resources with confidence, and producers to make their resource more discoverable, more widely adopted and cited. DOE wants to increase cybersecurity visibility across its national labs and sites…But rather than focusing on which tools to deploy, the department is first assessing the data it needs. “The FAIR Data Principles are an effective way of enhancing access to data. August 11, 2020. Daher ist dies ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des FAIRifizierungs-Prozesses. “One of the major scientific challenges of our time is being able to access and effectively analyze mounting quantities of data,” said Dr. Chris Fall, Director of DOE’s Office of Science. These cookies do not store any personal information. Hauptziel der FAIR Data Prinzipien ist sicherlich die optimale Aufbereitung der Forschungsdaten für Mensch und Maschine. Read more…, Over the last decade, accelerators have seen an increasing rate of adoption in high-performance computing (HPC) platforms, and in the June 2020 Top500 list, eig Read more…, The biggest cool factor in server chips is the nanometer. Chandrasekaran, assistant professor of computer and information sciences, recently was named... Read more…, Relay Therapeutics is a precision medicine company transforming the drug discovery process by leveraging unparalleled insights into protein motion. Commodities, currencies and global indexes also shown. When the pandemic struck, virtually every research supercomputer in the world pivoted much of its Read more…, During SC20 in November, the HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice awards program celebrated its 17th year of honoring outstanding achievements in high-perfo Read more…, Historically, the HPC community has done their work via a command-line interface to enter system commands and move through files or directories, as well as run Read more…, Nvidia is making it easier for AWS cloud customers to find and integrate Nvidia software applications into their AI and deep learning projects through an all-ne Read more…, At the RISC-V Summit today, Art Swift, CEO of Esperanto Technologies, announced a new, RISC-V based chip aimed at machine learning and containing nearly 1,100 low-power cores based on the open-source RISC-V architecture. At SC20, Intel’s Trish Damkroger, VP and GM of high performance computing, addresses the audience to show how Intel and its partners are building the future of HPC today, through hardware and software technologies that accelerate the broad deployment of advanced HPC systems. By Hartwig Anzt, Ahmad Abdelfattah and Jack Dongarra. The term FAIR was … Die FAIR-Prinzipien sollen ein nachhaltiges Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) sichern, indem Daten und zugehörige Metadaten so aufbereitet und gespeichert werden, dass sie von anderen nachgenutzt werden können. What is the difference between “FAIR data” and “Open data” if there are any? Die FAIR-Prinzipien richten sich sowohl auf die … Now, the industry veteran has announced Read more…, Advanced Micro Devices is accelerating the GPU chiplet race with the release of a U.S. patent application for a device that incorporates high-bandwidth interconnects between processing elements. DOE Announces $8.5M for FAIR Data to Advance AI for Science. All Rights Reserved. f:data GmbH - Onlinedienste und Softwarelösungen für die Baubranche. Data users benefit from a level playing field with clear data usage terms and efficient data access. AMD and Intel Corp. ha Read more…, What’s it like designing an app for the world’s fastest supercomputer, set to come online in the United States in 2021? First Data TeleCash hat sich in mehr als 30 Ländern auf die sichere, schnelle und einfache Abwicklung von Zahlungstransaktionen spezialisiert. In the field below, enter your school's Key and click Sign In. Please see here for more information. The JGI has been working on a new search and download system to ensure the data are findable and accessible in order to address concerns from the community. We hope you enjoyed the conference as much as we did. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As regulators in the U.S., China and the European Union begin scrutinizing the impact of the blockbuster deal on semiconductor industry competition and innovation, the deal has at the very least... Read more…, At SC20, Intel announced that it is making its Xe-HP high performance discrete GPUs available to early access developers. Prior to testing promising compounds in the lab, scientists have to consider a molecular universe of available starting points numbering close to 10 billion compounds. The authors intended to provide guidelines to improve the … At DTL we promote and advance FAIR Data Stewardship in the life sciences through our extensive partnerships and in close collaboration with our international network. Mission. Title: DOE FAIR public abstract v2 Fair Student Funding (FSF) is the main source of money for most schools. Übersetzung Französisch-Deutsch für faire im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Intel’s Optane persistent memor Read more…, Advanced Micro Devices is accelerating the GPU chiplet race with the release of a U.S. patent application for a device that incorporates high-bandwidth intercon Read more…, Competition to leverage new memory and storage hardware with new or improved software to create better storage/memory schemes has steadily gathered steam during Read more…, Here on the cusp of the new year, the catchphrase ‘2020 hindsight’ has a distinctly different feel. Aus First Data TeleCash wurde nach einem Zusammenschluss TeleCash from Fiserv (NASDAQ: FISV). Welche Absicht verfolgen Sie nach dem Kauf mit Ihrem My Date? Steel is critical to a wide range of humanity’s infrastructure, from cars and trains to skyscrapers and bridges. The FAIR principles were originally proposed and endorsed in 2016 by an international collaboration of universities, industry, funding agencies, and scholarly publishers. 100% Love. The Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) is a web-based data management system for recording and reporting student data from the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading aligned to Florida Standards (FAIR-FS) for grades 3-12. Mark D. Wilkinson, et al. The projects announced today will apply these principles and thereby maximize their usefulness to science.” Restrictions on access are consistent with the FAIR Principles as long as the conditions and ways of access are apparent. Thank you! Led by Dr. Jer-Ming Chia, the cloud provider partnered with the Beckman I Read more…, In a sign of the times, another prominent HPCer has made a move to a hyperscaler. Gerade im Homeoffice werden die Nachteile und Einschränkungen von Papierabläufen offensichtlich. Mark D. Wilkinson, et al. Trotz der Tatsache, dass die Bewertungen ab und zu verfälscht sind, bringen diese im Gesamtpaket einen guten Überblick. team. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Commitment to Enabling FAIR Data in the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences Publication of scholarly articles in the Earth, space, and environmental science community is conditional upon the concurrent availability of the data underpinning the research finding, with only a few, standard, widely adopted exceptions, such as around privacy for human subjects or to protect heritage field samples. Was ist eigentlich diese „digitale Signatur“? GO FAIR community joins forces Data Together: Joint commitment by GO FAIR, CODATA, RDA & WDS The four major international data organisations – GO FAIR, CODATA, RDA & WDS – commit to working together to optimise the global research data ecosystem and to identify the opportunities and needs that will trigger federated infrastructures to service the new reality of data-driven science. If you continue using this site without accepting cookies you may experience some performance issues. “The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship”, Scientific Data volume 3, Article number: 160018 (2016) ↩, TIB Blog: Die FAIR Data Prinzipien für Forschungsdaten. Sobald die erforderlichen Daten gefunden wurden, muss der Benutzer wissen, wie auf sie zugegriffen werden kann, einschließlich Authentifizierung und Autorisierung. The soon-to-be petascale system, and the resulting NICS organization, are the result of an NSF Track II award of $65 million to the University of Tennessee and its partners to provide next-generation supercomputing for the nation's science community. The DOE SC program in Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) hereby announces its interest in making research data and artificial intelligence (AI) models findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR1 ) to facilitate the development of new AI applications in SC’s congressionally authorized mission space, which includes the advancement of AI research and development. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie fair und verantwortungsvoll mit Ihren Daten umgehen und so das Vertrauen und Ansehen in Ihr Unternehmen steigern. The DOE also has a separate capital budget of over $17 billion to build new schools, renovate existing schools, and purchase equipment over five years. Read more…, Intel is the foundation of HPC – from the workstation to the cloud to the backbone of the Top500. Projects will make science data FAIR and develop frameworks to systematically study the relationships between data and AI models, aiming at a deeper understanding of how AI works and how it can be applied. FAIR data management does not necessarily mean open data. How can we help? WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 11, 2020 — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $8.5 million in funding for five projects aimed at making artificial intelligence (AI) models and data more accessible and reusable to accelerate AI research and development (R&D). Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'fair' auf Duden online nachschlagen. The Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program mission is to discover, develop, and deploy computational and networking capability to analyze, model, simulate and predict complex phenomena important to the Department of Energy and the advancement of science. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. DOE JGI Genomics Data Set U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute The DOE Joint Genome Institute has a wealth of environmental genomics data that is available for public use. Hard to distinguish "do's" from "deuce" particularly given regional and american accents which pronounce "u" as "oo" To exploit its value, a proper infrastructure that makes it Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-purposable – FAIR – is a must. Follow Up. Corrosion, however, throws a wrench in the works, decaying – and eventually destroying – much of this Read more…, With much of the world facing some form of freshwater stress and climate change exacerbating most of those stressors, desalination is appearing increasingly necessary to ensure a robust freshwater supply for humanity’s Read more…, Jim Keller has already had a storied career. Since 1987 - Covering the Fastest Computers in the World and the People Who Run Them. On September 17-18, 2019, the Department of Energy’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) hosted a data-focused workshop to gain a deeper understanding of data-related challenges and needs, and how to help address them. The FAIR Guidelines. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Fair Student Funding (FSF) is the main source of money for most schools. Longtime Intel executive Bill Magro joined Google as chief technologist for hi Read more…, A Cray XT4 supercomputer, dubbed Kraken, is scheduled to come online in mid-summer at the National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS). With input from the School Leadership Team, principals decide how to spend these funds to meet basic educational needs. Good riddance, yes. Selected projects cover a range of topics including high performance computing, materials science, high energy physics, and microbial science. For the fields of computational and experimental materials science, chemistry, and astronomy, FAIR-DI e.V. aus rechtlichen Gründen veröffentlicht werden. But also proof of science’s power Read more…, It was not a typical year for supercomputing in the sciences. Scientific data are a significant raw material of the 21 st century. Die nachfolgende Checkliste soll dabei helfen, die Prinzipien der FAIR Data Publishing Group, ein Teil der FORCE 11-Community, zu erfüllen. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. (Meta)data are richly described with a plurality of accurate and relevant attributes. f:data bietet Ihnen ausgereifte Bausoftware zu den Themen Ausschreibung, Kostenschätzung, Baukalkulation und Nachtragsmanagement. Read about our cookies here. School Budgets Fair Student Funding. Accept and continue Cookie Settings Partners. Bei der Erbringung unserer Dienstleistungen setzen wir auf moderne und innovative Lösungen basierend auf dem aktuellen Stand der Technik. FAIR steht für Findable (Auffindbar), Accessible (Zugänglich), Interoperable (Interoperabel), Reusable (Wiederverwendbar). Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. Mark D. Wilkinson, et al. Funding totals $8.5 million in Fiscal Year 2020 dollars for projects lasting one to three years in duration. Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Resources; The Fair Data Accreditation Board; The principles of Fair Data; FAQs; Twitter. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Bei dem Fairvalue-Calculator können Sie aus 49986 Aktien die Besten finden. fein-und-fair.de Auf welche Punkte Sie als Käufer bei der Auswahl Ihres My Date achten sollten. fair-data.org – fairer Wettbewerb dank Digitalisierung Gernot Schafleitner 2020-03-26T09:35:56+01:00. neueste Premium Artikel. Commodities, currencies and global indexes also shown. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. AMD beating Intel to a CPU built on a 7nm process node* – with 5nm and 3nm on the way – has been i Read more…, Intel’s 7nm node delay has raised questions about the status of the Aurora supercomputer that was scheduled to be stood up at Argonne National Laboratory next year. A March 2016 publication by a consortium of scientists and organizations specified the "FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship" in Scientific Data, using FAIR as an acronym and making the concept easier to discuss. fairdata hilft Ihnen, die neue Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) in Ihrem Unternehmen problemlos und rechtskonform zu integrieren. Any data collected is anonymised. Ich empfehle Ihnen stets zu erforschen, ob es bereits Tests mit diesem Artikel gibt. Read more…, Sometimes, the old dog actually does go live on a farm. Aurora was in the running to be the United States’ first exascale supercomputer although it was on a contemporaneous timeline with... Read more…, Just under two years ago, the European Commission formalized the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU): a concerted HPC effort (comprising 32 participating states at c Read more…, With the publication of the 56th Top500 list today from SC20's virtual proceedings, Japan's Fugaku supercomputer – now fully deployed – notches another win, Read more…, Texas A&M University has announced its next flagship system: Grace. Nicht alle Daten können z.B. FSF is based on the number of students enrolled at each school and the needs of those students. Once DOE implements a Factor Analysis of Information Risk, or FAIR, risk-assessment model, then it … Metadaten und Daten sollten sowohl für Menschen als auch für Computer leicht zu finden sein. Beautiful Design. PMRN v5.1/FAIR-FS. WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 11, 2020 — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $8.5 million in funding for five projects aimed at making artificial intelligence (AI) models and data more accessible and reusable to accelerate AI research and development (R&D). A Tabor Communications Publication. R1.2. Hersteller: Polytec GmbH NanoFocus AG Alicona GmbH. Conference on a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics 3 - 5 June, 2020 I virtual meeting. Schools should engage in regular review of their student data through the data quality management process. Wie sehen die amazon.de Rezensionen aus? Einschränkungen des Zugriffs sind mit den FAIR-Prinzipien vereinbar, solange die Bedingungen und Wege zum Zugang ersichtlich sind. Financial Data and Reports. A big thank you to all speakers, poster presenters, participants, and the FAIR-DI e.V. GO FAIR: a bottom-up international approach for the practical implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) as part of a global Internet of FAIR Data & … FAIR Data and Models for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, TEF 2021 Brings Together Global Ethernet Community of End Users and Manufacturers, PSU Engineering Grad Student Places Second in ACM Student Research Competition, Northern Data Acquires Data Center Site in Northern Sweden Fully Powered by Green Energy, Oxford Instruments NanoScience Delivers First Proteox Globally to Oxford Quantum Circuits, E4 Computer Engineering Announces University of Pisa as the First Customer of USTI, IBM Appoints Martin Schroeter as CEO of ‘NewCo’ Spinout, PNNL’s Open Source Atomic Simulation Software Helps Calculate Electronic Structure, Preparing an Earthquake Risk Assessment Application for Exascale, IBM Provides Harris-Stowe State University with $2M in AI, Cloud Resources for Student Skill Building, UK Government Announces £20M DiRAC HPC Funding Boost for Urgent Scientific Research, Sandia Labs Shows Machine Learning Could Lop a Year Off Tech Design Cycle, UAE’s Cryptography Research Centre Collaborates with Yale on Post-quantum Cryptography, Neuromorphic Computing, One Stop Systems Wins Fourth Program with Major Military Contractor, Northern Data: Existing Bitcoin Mining Customer Expands Contract Volume by over 200 MW, IBM Appoints Gary D. Cohn as Vice Chairman, Met Éireann, ICHEC Team up for TRANSLATE Project to Standardise Ireland’s Future Climate Data, University of Copenhagen and CEA-Leti Collaboration Leads to Quantum Computing Milestone, Huawei Challenges Global Scientists on Data Storage Problems with OlympusMons Award 2021, Relay Therapeutics Uses AWS to Accelerate Drug Discovery, Amazon Lab126 Creates HPC Solution to Help Teams Speed Development and Innovation, Fully Serverless Batch Computing with AWS Batch Support for AWS Fargate, Add storage to your high-performance file system with a single click and meet your scalability needs, Accelerating the Convergence of HPC and AI at Exascale, Berlin Institute of Health: Putting HPC to Work for the World. Researchers in academia, industry and government. This capital budget is administered by the NYC School Construction Authority. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. print . Die FAIR-Prinzipien sollen ein nachhaltiges Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) sichern, indem Daten und zugehörige Metadaten so aufbereitet und gespeichert werden, dass sie von anderen nachgenutzt werden können. In diesem Beitrag erläutern wir die jeweiligen Anforderungen und geben Beispiele. On this page... Fair Student Funding. Nachhaltige Smartphones, Phablets und Notebooks zu einem fairen Preis. Date: 20 - 24 July 2021. Um dies zu erreichen, sollten Metadaten und Daten genau beschrieben werden, damit sie in verschiedenen Umgebungen repliziert und / oder kombiniert werden können. (b) Otherwise, the contracting officer shall obtain additional cost or pricing data to determine a fair and reasonable price. Das faire Datenblatt ist eine Initiative der folgenden Institutionen und Firmen: Institute: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Technische Universität Kaiserslautern ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. Stay ahead of the tech trends with industy updates delivered to you every week! The new supercomputer, named for legendary programming pioneer Grace Hopper, is replacing the Ada system (itself named for mathematician Ada Lovelace) as the primary workhorse for Texas A&M’s High Performance Research Computing (HPRC). a frequent misinterpretation of much older common expression 'fair deuce' meaning fair point, good play (as in tennis), often used informally to recognise good (verbal) comebacks. The University of Delaware’s Sunita Chandrasekaran is leading an elite international team in just that task. Be the most informed person in the room! You all have made our first virtual conference a great experience! FAIR Data Stewardship combines the ideas of data management during research projects, data preservation after research projects, and the FAIR Principles for guidance on how to handle data. Die FAIR-Prinzipien richten sich sowohl auf die Datenhaltung selbst als auch auf Infrastrukturen und Services. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I Read more…, 2020 has proven a harrowing year – but it has produced remarkable heroes. View case study. “One of the major scientific challenges of our time is being able to access and effectively analyze mounting quantities of data,” said Dr. Chris Fall, Director of DOE’s Office of Science. HPC systems are often cursed with short lifespans, as they are continually supplanted by the latest and Read more…, The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU) serves as Europe’s concerted supercomputing play, currently comprising 32 member states and billions of euros in funding. Notably, the new chips have been deplo Read more…, Not even a week after Nvidia announced that it would be providing hardware for the first four of the eight planned EuroHPC systems, HPE and AMD are announcing a Read more…, © 2021 HPCwire. One of the grand challenges of data-intensive science is to facilitate knowledge discovery by assisting humans and machines in their discovery of, access to, integration and analysis of, task-appropriate scientific data and their associated algorithms and workflows. (Meta)data are associated with detailed provenance Was ist eigentlich diese „digitale Signatur“? Maschinenlesbare Metadaten sind für die automatische Erkennung von Datensätzen und Diensten unerlässlich. FAIR steht für Findable (Auffindbar), Accessible (Zugänglich), Interoperable (Interoperabel), Reusable (Wiederverwendbar). Here, we describe FAIR - a set of guiding principles to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Where the stock market will trade today based on Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100 futures and implied open premarket values. Darüber hinaus müssen die Daten mit Anwendungen oder Workflows zur Analyse, Speicherung und Verarbeitung kompatibel sein. Student Data Student data must be updated and maintained in all DOE systems (e.g. Eine FAIRe Datenhaltung bedeutet nicht unbedingt Open Data. Anwender: Audi AG Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Read more…, Competition to leverage new memory and storage hardware with new or improved software to create better storage/memory schemes has steadily gathered steam during the past couple of years. Amazing Technology. For example, some data must not be published by legal reasons. Internet Security G Data - Die preiswertesten Internet Security G Data ausführlich analysiert. sets out to make this happen. ' auf Duden online nachschlagen are data which meet Principles of FAIR data to fair data doe for... Those students assist discovery and reuse by third-parties.1 but you can opt-out if you wish Jack.! Aus first data TeleCash hat sich in mehr als 30 Ländern auf die Datenhaltung selbst als auch für Computer zu! 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