Sivan, M., et al. This new scale was correlated with FIM scores. UDS is highly effective at enabling healthcare providers and related entities to document and improve the outcomes, processes, and perceptions of care in uniform ways. Berges, I.M., Kuo, Y.F., et al. (Canbek, 2013) Fifty-five participants who experienced their first-ever stroke and went to an IRF an average of 8± 5 days post-stroke. Find it on PubMed. (2006). Find it on PubMed, Jackson, A. "Stroke-specific FIM models in an urban population." Acta Neurol Scand 111(4): 264-273. At a minimum, the on-demand report should be run routinely on calendar year or quarter as part of your data quality checks. (ρ=0.7766; P<0.0001). (Van Heugten et al, 2015) Systematic review of studies (51) investigating convergent, criterion and predictive validity of cognitive dysfunction in patients in the acute phase (4 weeks) post stroke using multi-domain instruments . Excellent convergent validity was found between the LIMOS and the FIM (r=0.89; P<0.0001), An excellent association was reported between the FIM mobility subscale and the LIMOS mobility subscale (r=0.90; P<0.0001), Adequate to excellant associations were found between the subscales of the LIMOS (self care, general tasks, domestic life) and the subscales of the FIM (r=0.36-0.79), (Dromerick et al, 2003; n = 95, Acute Stroke). Design: Secondary data analysis from 893 medical rehabilitation facilities located in the United States that contributed information to the Uniform Data System for Medical … (2007). ( 2011) Systematic review of outcome measures used in the evaluation of robot-assisted upper limb exercise in stroke. et al, 2015). (Lundgren-Nilsson, 2006), “The FIM instrument does not contain key activity or participation elements of patient recovery important for measuring outcome and burden of illness (e.g., return to work, relationships, social and recreational pastimes, etc. 2010 Clinical Outcome Variables Scale: A retrospective validation study in patients after stroke. The validity of the FIM associated with the actual LOS was lower (-0.6846) compared to the SIS-16 (-0.7953) and the STREAM Total (-0.7972). (2011). Granger, C. V., Hamilton, B. J Neurosci Nurs 32(1): 17-21. Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation, © 1999 – 2021 Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation‚ a division of UB Foundation Activities‚ Inc. | Site Map | Privacy Statement. Spinal Cord 35(1): 22-25. Marciniak, C. M., Choo, C. M., et al. For over 15 years, the FIM was an acronym for “Functional Independence Measure.” It is still often cited as this in the literature. The FIM Motor Scale satisfied Rasch model expectations including the uni-dimensionality assumption without requiring deletion of any of the 13 items. "The reliability of the functional independence measure: a quantitative review." Canbek, J., Fulk, G. et al. (2004). Do you see an error or have a suggestion for this instrument summary? (2007). Guide for the Uniform Data Set for medical rehabilitation (Version 5.1) CINAHL and PubMed searches on the reliability and validity for the Guide for the Uniform Data Set for medical rehabilitation (Version 5.1). Scores are generally rated at admission and discharge. (1996). Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 73(2): 188-190. A point system was assigned to each of the above variables, such that the clinician could enter in the above information and determine the likelihood of a patient achieving a grade IV. Updated by Maggie Bland, PT, DPT, NCS and Nancy Byl PT, MPH, PhD, FAPTA and the PD EDGE task force of the neurology section of the APTA in April of 2016. PM R,. A similar predictive equation was derived with the sum score quartiles slightly modified. A linear regression was run to determine which factors contributed to Motor-FIM (M-FIM) gain and Cognitive-FIM (C-FIM) gain. 265-278. This one-page snapshot of your program’s performance on CMS’s IRF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) measures is a valuable precursor to your data on CMS’s IRF Compare website and UDS PEM 2 Report. Lundgren Nilsson, A. and A. Caglar, N.S., Erdem, I.H., et al. Spooren, A. I., Janssen-Potten, Y. J., et al. Excellent intra-rater reliability was measured {0.88-0.98), Internal consistency of the PFIM was excellent, ranging from 0.70 to 0.96, Construct validity was supported by a significant Pearson Correlation between the PFIM and the Persian Barthel Index (r=0.95), In a systematic review of outcome measures used with patients post stroke participating in robot-assisted exercise trials (RAET), the FIMTM Motor Scale was used as a measure of activity level in 9 of 28 RAET trials. (2013). Recommendations for use based on acuity level of the patient: Recommendations Based on Parkinson Disease Hoehn and Yahr stage: Recommendations based on level of care in which the assessment is taken: Recommendations based on SCI AIS Classification: Recommendations for use based on ambulatory status after brain injury: Recommendations based on EDSS Classification: Recommendations for entry-level physical therapy education and use in research: Students should learn to administer this tool? (Kucukdeveci, 2013) One hundred and eighty-eight community dwelling participants (mean age 63.1 ±12 years), a median of 27 (range 3-240) months post-stroke were evaluated on the FIM and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS-II). American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 90(4): 272-280. Face validity was evaluated by asking clinicians specific questions addressing: Difficulty of understanding (88% had no difficulty), Unnecessary items (97% reported no unnecessary items, Items that should be added (83% felt no extra items needed), 92% of subjects and 88% of clinicians reported a max score on communication, 75% of subjects and 73% of clinicians reported a max score on social cognition, Admission FIM Motor Scores accounted for 52% of variance in discharge motor function among TBI patients, admission FIM Cognitive Scores accounted for 46% of variance in discharge cognitive function – admission motor FIM was the most significant predictor of length of stay, Although the FIM instrument is reliable and key validity characteristics have been established, it has only 5 items directly addressing cognitive, behavioral, and communication issues, which limits its content validity for TBI, Admission motor FIM scores (β = 0.55) and admission cognitive FIM scores (β = 0.38) had the highest impact on discharge total FIM scores, FIM total and FIM motor scores correlated more strongly with OPCS disability scores, LHS scores, SF-36 physical component scores and WAIS – verbal IQ, than with measures of mental health status or psychological distress (SF36 mental component, General Health Questionnaire), FIM Cognitive Scores correlated most strongly with OPCS Disability scores and WAIS-verbal IQ scores and weakly with LHS, SF-36 physical and mental components, and the General Health Questionnaire (ABIEBR), Ceiling effect on FIM motor scale after discharge ranging from 10% at 1 month to 15% at 12 months, Ceiling effect on the FIM cognitive scale after discharge for 70% of subjects at 1 month, reducing to 53% at 12 months, For FIM motor, 15-36% of subjects presented with positive change exceeding the MDC and 15- 25% with negative change exceeding the MDC, For FIM cognitive, 8-9% of subjects presented with positive change exceeding the MDC and 20-24% presented with negative change exceeding the MDC. 13 The UDSMR includes information for more than 13 million patient records from 1987 to 2009 for approximately 1400 rehabilitation hospitals or facilities. Barthel Index can be measured directly or estimated from the Northwick Park Dependency Scale (NPDS) or the FIM. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 87(1): 32-39. The UDSMR is the largest nongovernmental national registry for inpatient medical rehabilitation information in the United States. The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient was excellent between the CBRS and the FIM total Score (-0.70; p<0.01), the Cognitive FIM (-0.72; P<0.01), and the Motor FIM (-0.63; p<0.01) for patients post stroke. This report replaces the FIM instrument-based Scoring Report. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 44(1): 3-11. 38(3): p. 289-98. Content validity was established through a pilot study done at 11 centers (n = 110 patients evaluated; Keith & Granger, 1987). that contributed information to the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation from January 2000 through December 2007 was performed. B., et al. Find it on PubMed. Find it on PubMed, O'Brien, S.R., et al. 13 motor items) to obtain the average ratings on the 1 to 7 scale, Mean (SD) Cognitive FIM Scores at Rehabilitation Admission, Discharge, and 1, 2, and 5 Years Postinjury: All Cases at AIS Grades A, B, C, Divide the score by 5 (i.e. Find it on PubMed. (Turner et al, 2010). (2015) Validation of the new Lucerne ICF based Multidisciplinary Observation Scale (LIMOS) for stroke patients. Thus, data from 340 patients involved in post stroke rehabilitation were fitted to a Rasch model. (2006). "Relationship between shoulder muscle strength and functional independence measure (FIM) score among C6 tetraplegics." Data were obtained from the UDSMR. Find it on PubMed. FIM scores of > 73 at admission were significantly younger (58 + 11 [SD] yr) than patients with FIM scores of 37 to 72 (64 + 11 yr) or scores < 36 (66 + 12 yr), FIM total scores of 37 to 72 at admission showed higher gains (37 + 15) than patients who scored > 73 (20 + 10) or < to 36 (29 + 23), Patients with FIM total scores of 37 to 72 at admission showed higher gains (37 + 15) than patients who scored > 73 (20 + 10) or < to 36 (29 + 23), FIM total scores at admission were found to be the most powerful predictor of Montebello Rehabilitation Factor Scores (Beta coefficient = 0.42). The UDSMR Guide, Version 5.1 (1997) formed the basis for much of the clinical content in the current document, and Dr. Granger’s clinical insight and wisdom contributed Following hospital discharge of 717 patients (TBI and stroke), there was excellent agreement of intra-class correlations between the total scores on the FIM and the NPDS (0.93; P<0.001; 95% CI 0.92-0.94). J Rehabil Med 43(3): p. 181-9. Find it on PubMed, Lundgren-Nilsson, Å., Tennant, A., et al. 41;dressing) to excellent (0.77;mobility) with the average absolute item % agreement from 7l.l% (Dressing) to 90.6% (transfers). Find it on PubMed, Stineman, M. G., Shea, J. "Characteristics of the Functional Independence Measure in traumatic spinal cord injury." “Rasch balidation of a combined measure of basic and extended daily life functioning after stroke.” Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 27(2):125-132. Yang, S.Y. A significant relationship was found between the FIM-Motor and the Clock Drawing Test (Exp (B) = 0.984, p = 0.030). (2008). Secondary data analysis from 893 medical rehabilitation facilities located in the United States that contributed information to the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDSmr) from January 2000 through December 2007. Find it on PubMed, Kucukdeveci, A. A study of the psychometric properties. "The Functional Independence Measure: tests of scaling assumptions, structure, and reliability across 20 diverse impairment categories." (Sivan et al, 2011). (2003). (1999). The uniform data system for medical rehabilitation: report of patients with lower limb joint replacement discharged from rehabilitation programs in 2000-2007. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 49(3): p. 341-51.Find it on PubMed. (2008). (2012). Initially reviewed by the Rehabilitation Measures Team; Updated by Eileen Tseng, PT, DPT, NCS, Rachel Tappan, PT, NCS, and the SCI EDGE task force of the Neurology Section of the APTA in 2012; Updated by Tammie Keller, PT, DPT, MS and the TBI EDGE task force of the Neurology Section of the APTA; Updated by Dev Kegelmeyer, PT, DPT, MS, GCS and the PD EDGE task force of the neurology section of the APTA in 2013. "Validity of the walking scale for spinal cord injury and other domains of function in a multicenter clinical trial." Provides a uniform system of measurement for disability based on the International Classification of Impairment, Disabilities and Handicaps; measures the level of a patient's disability and indicates how much assistance is required for the individual to carry out activities of daily living. (2001). Adequate to Excellent convergent validity was found. (2016) Cross-cultural validation of the Persian version of the Functional Independence Measure for patients with stroke. Find it on PubMed, Kohler, F., Dickson, H., et al. The mean discharge FIM sores decreased a total of 3.6 points ( from 80.1 to 76.5 points) in 4 of 5 years with no significant decline in 2004. Comments from StrokEdge Task Force Members, The FIM instrument must be administered by a trained and certified evaluator and ideally scored by consensus with a multi-disciplinary team. 1-844-355-ABLE, Visiting & COVID-19 Precautions | TeleHealth Visits. Ng, Y. S., Jung, H., et al. UDS offers a wide range of products and services which enable rehabilitation providers to document the severity of patients disability and the results of medical rehabilitation in a uniform way.