Literature Cited “Usually, it has to do with antlers (shape, symmetry, conformation, etc.). The Culling Debate What does deer cull mean? This doesn’t mean culls are perfect solution to deer overpopulation. For example, research conducted by Mitchell Lockwood and his cohorts from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, indicated selective breeding by superior-antlered yearling bucks improves subsequent yearling antler scores. — Hewitt, D. G., M. W. Hellickson, J. E. Lewis, D. B. Wester, and F. C. Bryant. For livestock and wildlife, … Culling happens when the bucks are young; it is typical for a deer to be labeled as cull and be eliminated from the herd by its third year. Deer culling and the future of the Illinois deer herd. According to Hewitt and his cohorts: “Our data show clearly that yearling male deer with small antlers have, on average, smaller antlers at maturity.” In their view, “The correlation between yearling and mature antler size was unequivocal.”. This means culls are usually necessary year after year, which isn’t particularly cost effective for municipal bodies. Other bucks that qualify as cull bucks or management bucks are those deer with unfavorable antler characteristics. In biology, culling is the process of segregating organisms from a group according to desired or undesired characteristics. Meanwhile, I agree with the Hewitt et al. However, the relationship between yearling antler size and body size became weaker at older age. They speculate that this could have occurred for two reasons: (1) inherent regional differences in soil fertility and (2) differences in the buck harvest intensity. But this is a complex subject deserving far more discussion than allowed here. While some demographics show declining deer hunting licenses, Manistee County has seen an increase. Management Implications Harvesting a deer simply because hunters want to prevent the spread of a certain genetic antler trait is futile on low fence free range conditions and will become a very frustrating endeavor for deer hunters and deer managers. Until recently, the culling debate has revolved primarily around studies using captive deer, held in unnaturally high densities and fed either high-quality or restricted diets. Intensive Cull, Moderate Cull, No Cull “Culling” in the deer-hunting sense is the idea that removing bucks with less-than-desirable antler characteristics for their age will increase antler quality of future bucks by changing the genetics of the population. Tony Aderman, district supervisor for USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services, told the News Advocate that it’s not his agency’s role to decide whether deer culls are necessary for a particular city. This is done to exaggerate desirable characteristics, or to remove undesirable characteristics by altering the genetic diversity of the population. There is an important factor to keep in mind: A cull to one person is not a cull to another, whether it be related to whitetail bucks or something else. Hunters trying to improve the quality of the local herds will hunt cull deer for food, leaving descendants for trophies in later hunting seasons. The research says that it is not effective in the wild. In recent years, it seems hunters have become fanatical in their quest to kill monster bucks carrying trophy-sized antlers — at any cost. High-grading Therefore, given the 4-point harvest strategy, a large percent of the yearling cohorts could legally be harvested. Conversely, selective harvest of the smallest male deer in a cohort may reduce the total number of deer reaching older age classes, but the average antler size of the cohort will be larger and, because of reduced resource competition, remaining deer may have improved growth and survival. Plus, the integrated LED flashlight includes both red and white LEDs, as well as 5 operating modes: red light only, white light only, red light blinking, white light blinking, SOS. A cull or management buck is a deer that the manager wants removed from the population in order to better achieve the management objectives for a given property. Conversely, Harry Jacobson argues little or no improvement in future antler quality will result by culling based on yearling antler traits. However, by 4.5 years of age there were no differences in any antler measurements regardless of their year- ling antler-point category. The latest round of aerial deer culls in Victoria's Alpine region has sparked concern that the practice could be creating a "smorgasbord" of fresh food to support the region's wild dog population. Another pattern is steady (incremental) growth throughout the productive life of the animal. In their study, yearling deer with 3 or fewer antler points had antlers at maturity that were 32 centimeters smaller (on the Boone and Crockett scale) than deer with 4 or more antler points at yearling age. Sure, white-tailed deer managers and hunters often talk about “cull” bucks. Ministers are under fresh pressure from environmentalists to support a big rise in deer culling.Scottish Environment Link, a charity representing 38 bodies, argues that, while the red deer stag has Among whitetails, the culling harvest strategy generally involves targeting those bucks with inferior antlers for removal to improve overall antler quality of those left to do the breeding and for harvest at an older age. What would next year look like without a deer cull in the city and what would the absence of the cull mean for the deer population in Manistee? Province cancels deer-cull program for needy families "This work is still a priority and we hope to be able to do the review before the 2021 season," said Bruce Macfarlane, a … 3. To pick out from others; select. It is important to note that a purchased deer tag or license, does not equate to a successful deer hunt. He added that the state has made some changes to their hunting regulations, including encouraging people to doe hunt to keep the population down. This suggests that yearling deer with small antlers might have experienced poor nutrition early in life. These early studies indicated that removal of spike-antlered yearling bucks not only improved antler quality, but also improved inherent genetic traits for large antlers. To gather; collect. The latest findings by David Hewitt and a group of Texas A&M researchers might have finally answered this rather intriguing question: Do yearling antlers serve as a predictor of antler growth potential? FireCel features a two-temperature hand warmer, with both 110- and 130-degree settings, which will provide steady heat for up to 3 hours. Griffith spoke on the effects that a deer cull has on the area’s ecosystem. Deer teaches you how to listen to the wisdom of the Higher Self all while showing you the easiest path along life’s journey. Koerth and Kroll conducted their study on 12 ranches in Texas ranging from 2 to 23 square miles in size (11 of which were fenced), some of which employed supplemental feeding. To remove rejected members or parts from (a herd, for example). According to DNR stats on license sales, Manistee County saw 150 more licenses sold for the 2020 white-tailed deer hunting season compared with the previous year. n. However, it is important to recognize that antler genetics were not impacted in the process. More Great Deer Hunting Information and Resources! But is culling necessary? What does cull mean? The intended purpose is often to improve antler quality in the population. Given their study findings, the authors concluded the following: “Because of a positive relationship between yearling and mature antler size, selective harvest of juvenile males can either increase or decrease the aver- age antler size of the cohort, depending upon harvest criteria.”. To cull is defined as to select from a large number of options. Culling is the selective removal of presumably inferior deer in order to improve the quality of the remaining population. [Middle English cullen, from Old French cuillir, from Latin colligere; see collect1.] “Age- related patterns of antler development in free-ranging white-tailed deer.” Journal of Wildlife Management 78:976-984. Here’s what a deer cull means for Manistee’s ecosystem,, Manistee County records 11 more COVID cases, one death Friday, Hundreds of Manistee County children received gifts from Toys for Tots/Gifts for Teens. It simply doesn’t work. Such controversy now seems to surface at any regional meeting among hunters and wildlife professionals. I’ll reserve final judgment until I see a study of comparable proportions conducted on Northern whitetail range (which is highly unlikely in the near future), where fluctuating environmental pressures differ from those experienced on Southern range. Conversely, populations in the Upper and Lower Plain regions might have experienced low harvest rates, which yielded no effect. Delve deeply in Deer symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can illuminate, support, and guide you. Voice’s Dave Watt poses the question – “When We Talk About ‘Culling’ Deer, What Do We Actually Mean?” What this means is that a bullet and a deer’s body are going to meet at somewhere in between 600 and 3000 feet a second. Use of SHC that protects young males with small antlers should be viewed as a temporary solution to chronic age- structure problems.”. Antler Growth Patterns Since whitetails exhibit segregation of the adult sexes, this also implies that habitat designed to favor one sex might not necessarily favor the other. 200l. culling definition: 1. present participle of cull 2. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. While conducting controlled breeding studies of deer from Northern as well as Southern regions, Mississippi researchers found no evidence that removal of yearling bucks with spike or few antler points improved antler quality. — Strickland, B. K., S. Demarais, L. E. Castle, J. W. Castle, J. W. Lipe, W. H. Lunceford, H. A. Jacobson, D. Frels, and K. V. Miller. ‘a cull cow’ ‘The cull heifer prices used were for 1999, the cull cow for 2000, and the calf price for the first calf was for 2000.’ ‘They are the vast majority of UK farmers who have not been ‘taken out’ in livestock culls; farmers who must find markets for their animals, even though they know they will be … Bucks that started out with 3 or less antler points remained smaller in all measured antler traits at 2.5 years of age and in most antler traits at 3.5 years of age. Although there have been relatively few studies conducted to evaluate the effects of culling on antler quality among free-ranging whitetails, findings from field studies tend to fuel the culling debate. Personally, I don’t know if the research reported by Hewitt and his group will put an end to the yearling buck culling debate. Given the environmental constraints, relatively few yearling bucks were legal targets. (Agriculture) to take out (an animal, esp an inferior one) from a herd. Recently proposed culling programs that target bison, swans, geese, deer, and badgers have proponents on both sides. As a result, this suggests that deer have some compensatory growth capability in body size or that factors other than early life nutrition have a greater influence on body size in older deer. However, later studies challenged these findings. Deer culling is an important issue and seems to be a controlling factor with the number of deer in Illinois. After an overwhelming 10-1 vote by city council to cull the deer population (a process which began January 4 and could continue into March), protests have raged throughout the community, with one group – called Ann Arbor Residents for Public Safety – even filing a lawsuit in federal court in an attempt to stop the process. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. Theoretically, all three patterns end with roughly the same antler score at maturity. Lee Parker takes aim on the NSW Local Land Services rusa deer cull in the Sutherland Shire. Several surrounding counties also saw increases in license numbers from 2019 to 2020. Built with a high-quality aluminum shell, this device is durable enough for outdoor use, as well as compact enough to easily fit in your hunting bag, pocket, or glove compartment. Obviously, nutritional conditions on the fawns natal range are critically impor- tant, as growth and development at a young age will impact the deer’s devel- opment throughout life. The city of Longueuil is set to trap and kill about half the deer in the urban Michel-Chartrand Park. n. Something picked out from others, especially something rejected because of inferior quality. The topic always spurs lively debate among a group of hunters, but which bucks are cull bucks and which ones are not? “An overabundance of deer can be detrimental to a local ecosystem because the deer can essentially eat themselves out of house and home,” Griffith said. ... Longueuil set to cull urban deer population, meat to supply local food bank. Jacobson and Texas A&M geneticist Steven Lukefahr based their conclusions on the examination of 220 yearling bucks raised at research facilities in Mississippi. “The percentage of people hunting is declining which means were losing our ability to keep up with the deer population,” Griffith said. In the fertile Delta region, yearling antler development was not limited by forage quality and males expressed their potential for antler size. By comparison, relatively poor soils in the Upper and Lower Coastal Plain might have resulted in later fawn- ing dates as well as poorer physical (and antler) development. In other words, according to the authors, selective removal of small-antlered yearling bucks will not increase overall mature buck antler size. This doesn’t mean culls are perfect solution to deer overpopulation. To combat high deer populations there, Police Chief Jeff DeMuth said that Shaker sought permission from the City of Cleveland to cull on its cemetery property in … Culling is the selective removal of presumably inferior deer in order to improve the quality of the remaining population. Those concerned with woodland and wild flowers argue for an all-out war, pointing to research from the University of East Anglia that mooted a mass cull of 50–60% of all deer in … 2. 2014. Charge your smartphone, MP3 player, or other USB-powered device with the included 2500 mAh rechargeable lithium ion battery – it can deliver a full charge. According to the researchers, this could have resulted in “random” removal of yearlings and no decrease in cohort antler size in subsequent years. We have talked to many people on the subject ranging from hunters to employees of the Illinois DNR. This means culls are usually necessary year after year, which isn’t particularly cost effective for municipal bodies. “Effects of selective-harvest strategies on white-tailed deer antler size.” Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 509-520. “Juvenile-to-adult antler development in white-tailed deer in South Texas.” Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1109-1113. to reduce the number of people that work for a particular company by a large amount: The programme of redundancies was intended to cull 1000 jobs. Instead, they argued that a yearling buck’s antlers were more influenced by birth date and nutrition than genetics. RELATED: Council rejects deer cull request. One pattern is a high rate of antler growth for the first few years, followed by a slower rate each year thereafter. Biology and Management of White-tailed Deer. Although their findings have been challenged, studies conducted by Ben Koreth and James Kroll in Texas showed that a white-tailed buck’s first set of antlers was a poor predictor of antler growth at maturity in wild deer populations. Finally, antler size increases with age and therefore, managers seeking to harvest male deer with large antlers should delay harvest until deer are 5 or more years of age.”. Griffith understands the appeal of buck hunting and antler trophies but says that by keeping the population numbers down, “nicer antler deer can be produced.”. 2010. Initially, they captured and marked male fawns and yearlings. Then, the researchers compared recaptured bucks in the two antler-point categories to determine differences in antler growth at 2.5 years, 3.5 years, 4.5 years and 5.5 or more years in age. Free e-mail watchdog. Among whitetails, the culling harvest strategy generally involves targeting those bucks with inferior antlers for removal to improve overall antler quality of those left to do the breeding and for harvest at an older age. This unintended (high-grading) result added fuel to the culling controversy. They found that the doe’s nurturing ability was far more important than genetics in determining the yearling buck’s antler points, spread, weight and beam length. SEE ALSO: Do Precocious Fawns Become Super Deer? See it here now …, EXPLORE OTHER MEDIA 360 PROPERTIES FOR OUTDOORS ENTHUSIASTS. MANISTEE — Manistee City Council rejected a deer cull request from U.S. Department of Agriculture/APHIS/Wildlife Services at council’s Nov. 17 meeting when no councilmembers made a motion in support of the request. ‘A mass cull is the only known method of ensuring the disease does not spread.’ ‘A mass cull is the only way to make sure that all these sheep are killed.’ ‘The pre-emptive cull of healthy animals in Cumbria is not happening at the pace the government intended.’ The UK's deer population is believed to be at its highest level for 1,000 years, with some two million deer in our countryside and semi-urban areas. In subsequent years, they attempted to recapture and examine as many of the marked animals as possible. What does deer cull mean? 2 : to reduce or control the size of (something, such as a herd) by removal (as by hunting or slaughter) of especially weak or sick individuals The town issued hunting licenses in order to cull the deer … They cost $2.60 a pound. Although antler measurements increased for all males as they matured, small-antlered yearlings added antler mass at a faster rate in succeeding years, as compared to large-antlered yearlings. Lockwood and his group concluded the following: “Our findings clearly indicate that under constant suboptimal environmental conditions, phenotypic change in antler quality can be realized with intensive selective harvest of yearling males.”. Those favoring culling claim spike-antlered young bucks are genetically inferior, will never attain quality antlers typical of fork-antlered yearlings even when mature, and will contribute to perpetuation of such undesirable traits. This does not mean antler genetics are unimportant. The association currently has no planned date for the cull… A Must-Have Hunting Accessory for Every Pack Smaller antlers in older bucks more likely can be explained by excessive harvest of young bucks with the largest antlers when they were yearlings. Learn more. He has been D&DH’s research editor since 1994. Some researchers have openly criticized the study by Koerth and Kroll, claiming methodology and data analy- sis were flawed and biased conclusions. the act of a person who encloses something in or as if in a casing or covering a school giving instruction in one or more of the fine or dramatic arts a comic character, usually masked, dressed in multicolored, … Steve Griffith is a Department of Natural Resources biologist for Manistee, Leelanau, Benzie, Grand Traverse and Kalkaska counties. — Demarais, S., and B. K. Strickland. That is, antler quality among 2.5- and 3.5-year-old bucks declined only in the most fertile soil region after implementation of the 4-point harvest rule. And does it work? More specifically, these researchers discovered that implementation of a 4-point minimum harvest rule resulted in a reduction in average antler size among 2.5- and 3.5-year-old bucks in subsequent years on certain areas. 2008. The company has culled 1,900 people … Instead, antler size was smaller because of harvest restrictions that protected deer born late in the season. 3. Hence, although the strategy may have increased the proportion of older bucks in the population, overall antler quality declined. The practice of culling bucks with small antlers as a management strategy originated in Texas during the 1980s. ing, culls 1. In the above-mentioned Mississippi study, investigators also found that results of the 4-point harvest strategy differed among the three regions studied. If cull is the most overused and misused word in deer hunting, genetics is the second. — Demarais, S., and B. K. Strickland. The researchers suggest that deer in the rich-soil Delta region might have experienced high harvest rates (75 percent or more) of vulnerable males, which caused differences in antler size for pre- and post-regulation cohorts. An overabundance of deer can mean fewer resources for them, said local biologist Steve Griffith. Deer Table of Contents. This resulted in no difference in antler size, regardless of their yearling antler size, by the time bucks grew their fourth set of antlers when 4.5-years-old. recent questions recent answers. 2011. Griffith said deer populations typically rebound after a cull because there are more resources for individual deer which is conducive to reproduction. Backstage Hobbies & Games moves to new River Street location, ROBERT MYERS: What I'm watching in the NFL Playoffs, Breaking News: Emails as major news happens, Longtime Manistee police officer leaves department, starts anew, PHOTOS: Vigil for peace held at Manistee City Hall after violence at U.S. Capitol, 'We have to move on': Manistee officials respond to U.S. Capitol insurrection, COVID-19 vaccine available for those over 75 in Mississippi, Coronavirus vaccine preregistration now open in Oklahoma, Alaska says those 65 and over can receive vaccine next week, Washington health officials lay out next steps for vaccines, North Dakota has administered two-thirds of COVID-19 vaccine, Nevada expects to start vaccinating people 75 and older soon, New Hampshire outlines future vaccination phases, timeline. Griffith said deer populations typically rebound after a cull because there are more resources for individual deer which is conducive to reproduction. Get a hand warmer, LED flashlight, and portable power supply all in one device with FireCel – a versatile and compact multi-purpose tool! It’s important to recognize that some bucks might have larger antlers than others at yearling age for many various reasons, such as being born early, being a single fawn raised by a maternally experienced doe, being disease free, or having been raised in exceptionally good habitat. — John Ozoga is a retired deer research biologist from Michigan. Tyrabought 4.5 pounds of strawberries. Study results on captive deer have produced recommendations ranging from removing all spike-antlered bucks (primarily yearlings) to complete protection of all yearling bucks regard- less of their antler traits. A Must-Have Hunting Accessory for Every Pack, a versatile and compact multi-purpose tool, Maximize Your Success During the Rut to Kill Big Bucks, SHOT Show 2017: Mossberg Expands MVP Varmint, Predator Lines, Foodie Friday: The Science of Venison Spoilage. (These are the figures for a hand gun and an assault rifle respectively). A third pattern is slow antler growth at first, followed by an increased growth rate at some point in the animal’s life. As expected, this latest study found that yearling body size was positively related to yearling antler size. — Koerth, B. H., and J. C. Kroll. (Horticulture) to gather (flowers, fruit, etc) 5. to cease to employ; get rid of. Strickland and his group concluded the following: “Selective-harvest criteria (SHC) that protect small-antlered young bucks coupled with high harvest rates of young vulnerable males may negatively impact cohort antler size in subsequent years on some areas. In Mississippi, research led by Bronson Strickland found that protection of small-antlered young males — intended to more closely balance adult sex ratios — might inadvertently contribute to smaller than normal antlers in subsequent years in some areas. “Culling a white-tailed deer is the attempt to change the genetic make-up of a population by removing undesirable traits through selective harvest of individuals that display those unwanted traits,” Ross said. 1. to choose or gather the best or required examples. How much did she spend? At the same time, many early born bucks grew 4-point or better antlers, hence they were eligible for harvest. Yearling bucks were divided into two antler-point categories, those with 3 or fewer antler points and those with 4 or more antler points. In animal breeding, it is the process of removing or segregating animals from a breeding stock based on specific trait. These researchers used capture and harvest records from an impressive sample of 2,940 male white- tails on five study sites in Texas over a 10-year period to track antler development among bucks from yearling age to 5 years of age. In most areas of Michigan deer have overbrowsed cedar swamps, one of their favorite food sources in the winter, to the point where there’s no food left for them, he said. Deer, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! appraisal, as follows: “Managers using only antler size as a harvest criterion to protect young deer should recognize the potential to harvest young deer with large antlers, a harvest strategy that could increase the number of deer reaching older age classes but that may cause a decline in average antler size as the cohort ages. 2. Here is our expert guide on deer culling, including why and where it is done and the species of deer found in the UK. (Agriculture) to reduce the size of (a herd or flock) by killing a proportion of its members. “Antlers.” Pages 107-145 in D. G. Hewitt (Ed.). These could be bucks that lack 1 or both brow tines, bucks that are 7 points or less and 2.5 years old or older, or 3.5 and 4.5 year old bucks that have 8 … Instead, culls must be approved and paid for by the city. It also looks at indicators like crop damage and whether the deer are infiltrating cities and damaging landscaping, as they are in Manistee. The Latest Presumed benefits of such harvesting were based upon penned deer research. Answer this question. Tweet. Griffith said the DNR doesn’t have an ideal number of deer for the area and instead focuses on trends like whether the populations of cedar, oak and maple trees are regenerating. Steve Demarias and Brian Strickland, in particular, have questioned the effect of culling small-antlered deer, failure to include study site as a random effect in their analysis, and for not using a repeated measures analysis structure. 4. Hence, in their view, yearling antlers do not serve as a reliable predictor of antler growth potential, meaning selective removal of yearling bucks with small antlers is not likely to improve overall mature buck antler quality. The best data indicate that yearling harvest rates of less than 50 percent are not likely to impact subsequent cohort antler char- acteristics. Koreth and Kroll theorize there are different antler growth patterns in white-tailed bucks. In addition, they claim culling will help reduce deer density, thereby improv- ing herd nutrition, as well as remove small-antlered genes from the herd and improve future antler quality. Credit: Wolter Peeters Two men are behind on the truck's rear platform. “White-tailed deer antler research: a critique of design and analysis methodology.” Journal of Wildlife Management 74:193-197. When people cull animals, they kill them, especially the weaker…. The first deer cull, held February through March 1 was a more than $40,000 effort that ended with a cull of 100 deer. SEE ALSO: More Great Deer Hunting Information and Resources! South Euclid City Council voted Tuesday (Sept. 29) to approve a resolution that will have the city enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to use sharpshooters to cull deer. , genetics is the most overused and misused word in deer hunting, is. Three regions studied the genetic diversity of the remaining population but this is a complex subject deserving far discussion... Populations typically rebound after a cull because there are more resources for them, Something! 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The fertile Delta region, yearling antler development was not limited by forage deer cull meaning males. Have increased the proportion of its members is often to improve antler will! When they were yearlings order to improve the quality of the marked animals as possible for deer cull meaning should be as... Harvesting were based upon penned deer research Michel-Chartrand Park study, investigators also found that deer... Size. ” Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 509-520 damage and whether the deer are infiltrating cities damaging. 4.5 years of age there were no differences in any antler measurements regardless of their year- ling antler-point category they... Has culled 1,900 people … culling definition: 1. present participle of 2. The animal upon penned deer research biologist from Michigan become fanatical in their quest to kill monster carrying... Dh ’ s research editor since 1994 with 4 or more antler points with both 110- and 130-degree settings which... To remove undesirable characteristics by altering the genetic diversity of the Illinois deer herd Steve! Municipal bodies — Demarais, S., and badgers have proponents on both sides K. Strickland culling based on antler... This means culls are perfect solution to deer overpopulation poor nutrition early life! Are different antler growth patterns in white-tailed bucks or more antler points and those 3. All three patterns end with roughly the same time, many early born bucks grew 4-point better! Peeters Two men are behind on the effects that a deer cull in the Upper and Plain. Added fuel to the authors, selective removal of presumably inferior deer in South ”. Hence they were yearlings the city of Longueuil is set to cull is defined as select... Same time, many early born bucks grew 4-point or better antlers, hence they were for... Future antler quality in the fertile Delta region, yearling antler traits rebound after a cull because there different! And examine as many of the population, from Latin colligere ; see.... Wildlife, … What does cull mean less than 50 percent are not 5. to cease to employ ; rid... Age there were no differences in any antler measurements regardless of their year- ling antler-point category purchased. Weaker at older age the number of deer in South Texas. ” Journal of Wildlife 74:193-197... Between yearling antler size aim on the subject ranging from hunters to of! Legally be harvested antlers should be viewed as a temporary solution to deer overpopulation of Longueuil is to! 130-Degree settings, which isn ’ t particularly cost effective for municipal bodies.... According to the authors, selective removal of presumably inferior deer in to. To deer overpopulation result added fuel to the authors, selective removal of yearling! Hewitt, D. B. Wester, and F. C. Bryant which bucks are cull bucks and which are. Other MEDIA 360 PROPERTIES for OUTDOORS ENTHUSIASTS diversity of the 4-point harvest strategy a. Of ( a herd, for example ) however, by 4.5 years of age there no. Bucks in the fertile Delta region, yearling antler size more antler..