). His group is focused on understanding how spatial and temporal changes in genome architecture affect gene expression. Erasmus University Medical Center/ UFO Biosciences, NL . Network. He will zoom in on single-cell epigenomics and multi-omics. Genome instability; UMC Utrecht. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Biomedical genomics; To this end we employ and continuously develop novel single-cell technologies to delineate these processes with high sensitivity and accuracy. The researchers are each given two million euros to strengthen their research groups and continue their innovative research in the next 5 years. ). Jop Kind Group Jop Kind Oncode Investigator at Hubrecht Institute My Research. The researchers are each given two million euros to strengthen their research groups and continue their innovative research in the next 5 years. In addition, we profile the epigenetic landscapes, chromatin accessibility and transcriptome in single cells. 13:05. Accurate repair of DNA damage is critical for the maintenance of genomic integrity. Electronic address: j.kind@hubrecht.eu. 2 day event 19 - 20 Apr. Reads . Jop Kind. To be announced. The institute encompasses 23 research groups that perform fundamental, multidisciplinary research on healthy and diseased cells, tissues and organisms. Salaries, reviews, and more - all posted by employees working at Hubrecht Institute. The researchers in Kind’s group will use the ERC grant to further research when and how cells make these identity choices. Sort. Chromosomal regions that associate with a thin filamentous lamina layer at the nuclear periphery are generally in an inactive transcriptional state (Guerreiro and Kind, 2019, Curr.Opin.Gen.Dev.). degree at EMBL Heidelberg and conducted her PhD research on the topic of Chromatin and Biomedical Genetics at Hubrecht Institute as a Marie-Curie fellow. ERC-starting grant for Marvin Tanenbaum and Jop Kind. Hubrecht Institute. Technology development j.kind@hubrecht.eu. Jop Kind, Junior Group Leader at the Hubrecht Institute. 3,331. Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla is group leader and director of the Institute of Epigenetics and Stem Cells (IES), Helmholtz Center Munich and professor of Stem cell biology at the Ludwig-Maximilians University. Molecular biologist dr. Jop Kind (1978) joined the Van Steensel lab as a postdoc after a highly successful PhD at the EMBL. That way, we hope to better understand the relationship between epigenetics and the emergence of new cell types”, says Kind. 7 Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute-KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands. He made visible how 6 feet of DNA is dispersed in a cell nucleus of 10 micrometres. Chromatin cartographer EMBL alumnus Jop Kind, this year’s John Kendrew Award winner, reflects on … Job Corps is the largest Free residential education and job training program for young adults ages 16–24.. We connect you with the skills and education you need to get the career you want! Because DamID-signals are stable and can be carried-over for multiple generations, we are also looking into ways to exploit this property of DamID to study DSB-repair in the context of cellular decision making. Jobs. hubrecht.eu. Wouter de Laat Group. By Jop Kind, Hubrecht Institute. Self-organization in embryology. Wednesday 22 July. Jop Kind is group leader at the Hubrecht Institute and Oncode investigator. 13:35. Salaries, reviews and more - all posted by employees working at Hubrecht Institute. PHOTO: EMBL . Login as Dr. J. Cell division & chromosome segregation; Hubrecht Institute. Publications 23. To be announced. Uppsalalaan 8 Visit Kind's page. Despite extensive research into the molecular pathways that sense and repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), comparatively little is known about management of breaks within different genomic and chromatin contexts. Anna Kicheva IST Austria Verified email at ist.ac.at. Hubrecht Institute. Despite extensive research into the molecular pathways that sense and repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), comparatively little is known about management of breaks within different genomic and chromatin contexts. Modifications of the conceptus exposed key genes regulating these tissues co-development. Articles … Mechanisms underlying cell-fate choice in early embryogenesis In this conversation. Together with her group, Knipscheer studies the repair pathways that cells use to correct ICLs. “Our overarching goal is to further research current pathways and discover new ones in order to better understand how cells repair this type of DNA damage”, says Knipscheer. PMID: 32350457 DOI: 10.1038/s41596-020-0314-8 degree at EMBL Heidelberg and conducted her PhD research on the topic of Chromatin and Biomedical Genetics at Hubrecht Institute as a Marie-Curie fellow. * Correspondence: j.kind@hubrecht.eu † These authors contributed equally to this work. The group focuses on a specific type of DNA damage called a DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL). Additionally, they are planning to build so-called molecular time machines: by giving cells a mark in the earliest stages of embryonic development, the researchers can – once the cell has made its choice – trace the epigenetic status of the cells during the earlier stages of development. A. Lochs †, Samy Kefalopoulou † and Jop Kind * Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute–KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 Utrecht, Bob Roberts 2020-04-16 23:48:49? To study DSB-repair in single cells, we have adapted scDam&T to generate maps of DSB-repair sites in single cells. Recently, however, her group also discovered a new pathway that is involved in ICL repair; they aim to further study this newly found DNA repair route. To achieve this, we make use of organoid and mouse models that capture tumorigenesis all the way from the initiating stages towards metastasis. In addition, scDam&T allows determining cellular identity of cells in complex tissues -such as embryos or tumors- based on transcriptomics, in direct relation to their epigenetic regulatory landscapes (DamID). The Consolidator Grant is specifically awarded to researchers who have formed their own research group relatively recently and aim to further strengthen it further. 1 Institute of Epigenetics and Stem Cells (IES), Helmholtz Zentrum München, Munich, Germany. j.kind@hubrecht.eu. 7 Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute-KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands. In particular, the group is interested in developing high-resolution single-cell techniques which can trace dynamic chromatin changes in living cells. Currently, there are more than 70 PhD students at the Hubrecht Institute. About. Award ceremony photo gallery. Friends raise €290.800,- for Hubrecht Institute. Furthermore, they aim to develop new techniques with which they can simultaneously perform multiple measurements in a single cell. Verified email at imba.oeaw.ac.at - Homepage. The nuclear lamina (NL) is a thin meshwork of filaments that lines the inner nuclear membrane, thereby providing a platform for chromatin binding and supporting genome organization. Online event. 2 day event 04 - 05 Nov. Oncode - CGC Annual Conference: Basic biology meets Cancer research. About the Hubrecht Institute 2 day event 19 - 20 Apr. 3584 CT Utrecht A large proportion of the metazoan genome is spatially segregated at the nuclear periphery through genomic contacts with the nuclear lamina, a thin meshwork of lamin filaments that lines the inner-nuclear membrane. Save the date! 3 Institute of Epigenetics and Stem Cells (IES), Helmholtz Zentrum München, Munich, Germany. Jop Kind lab. That knowledge underlines the link between alcohol consumption and cancer. Hubrecht Institute opens new laboratory building. Further, in the same cells, we also profile genome-wide chromatin states with a chromatin immunocleavage (ChIC) approach to study the relationships between DSB-repair and the local chromatin environment (Figure 3). Kim L de Luca 1 , Jop Kind 2 Affiliations 1 Hubrecht Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), University Medical Center Utrecht and Oncode Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands. hubrecht.eu. Follow. 2 Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute-KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. An important contributor to the regulation of gene expression is the spatial positioning of genes within the 3-dimensional space of the nucleus. https://lnkd.in/ekB-EJy #outsmartingcancer Hubrecht Institute, Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research Knipscheer and Kind receive prestigious ERC Consolidator grant hubrecht.eu martin 1st April 2015 News Read more Hiding in plain sight Kim L de Luca 1 , Jop Kind 2 ... 1 Hubrecht Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), University Medical Center Utrecht and Oncode Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Over 17 years of experience in Molecular Biology, Yuva completed her MSc. (Jop) Kind: Active at: The Netherlands Cancer Institute: Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research: Email address: If you have any questions or problems regarding login, please contact narcis@dans.knaw.nl. 13:05. Jop Kind. Cell-fate decisions and the role of epigenetics in DNA double-strand repair More information. Seeing is sequencing: linking phenotypes and genotypes of heterogeneous cancer cells by high-throughput, microscopy-based single cell selection and functionally annotated single cell sequencing. This is particularly difficult to study because DSBs occur randomly in the genome, thus every single cell harbors a different DSB-landscape. Overview; Fingerprint; Network; Research Output (8) Similar Profiles (28) If you made any changes in Pure these will be visible here soon. Jop Kind. Publications. Former EMBL Genome Biology PhD student, Jop Kind, has been selected as this year’s John Kendrew Young Scientist Award winner for pioneering postdoctoral work in establishing novel technologies to … Jop Kind, Junior Group Leader at the Hubrecht Institute. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW) Phone +31 (0)30 212 1800; Email communication@hubrecht.eu; Website http://www.hubrecht.eu/ We are particularly interested in understanding the role of epigenetics and spatial genome organization in this process. 2 Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute-KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Knipscheer’s group will use the ERC grant to further research this pathway. Uppsalalaan 8 2 Hubrecht Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), University Medical Center Utrecht and Oncode Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Kind’s group previously developed advanced techniques with which they can study epigenetics in a single cell and match it with the cell’s choice of identity. Cited by. Biomedical genomics; Hubrecht Institute. He made visible how 6 feet of DNA is dispersed in a cell nucleus of 10 micrometres. PhD. A major interest in the group is how gene-expression control is achieved in early embryogenesis. Hubrecht Institute launches new website! This "Cited by" count includes citations to the following articles in Scholar. Hubrecht Institute, NL. Jop is currently an associate professor at the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht where his lab continues to develop new techniques to single-cell profile gene-regulation to obtain better insights into the mechanisms that govern cell fate choice in development and disease. We profiled these genome-lamina interactions in single cells to obtain better understanding in gene-regulation control in pre- and post-implantation embryos (Borsos et al., 2019, Nature) (. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users Contact Information Mariëlle Harlé Other Events. Miao-Ping Chien. We use this approach to understand how gene-expression is controlled and to obtain insight into the regulatory mechanisms that govern cellular decision making in mouse early embryogenesis. We use this approach to understand how gene-expression is controlled and to obtain insight into the regulatory mechanisms that govern cellular decision making in mouse early embryogenesis. A. Lochs †, Samy Kefalopoulou † and Jop Kind * Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute–KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 Utrecht, The Netherlands; s.lochs@hubrecht.eu (S.J.A.L. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW) Phone +31 (0)30 212 1800; Email communication@hubrecht.eu; Website http://www.hubrecht.eu/ Jop Kind. We are employing scDam&T to obtain a better understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms underlying lineage decisions in early embryogenesis, to identify the epigenetic trajectories of single cells that acquire malignant identities in tumorigenesis and to obtain insight into the role of chromatin in DNA double-strand repair. By Jop Kind, Hubrecht Institute. These topic labels come from the works of this person. An important contributor to the regulation of gene expression is the spatial positioning of genes within the 3-dimensional space of the nucleus. Reads . Isabel Guerreiro 1 , Jop Kind 2 Affiliations 1 Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute-KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Best Cities for Jobs 2020 NEW! Oncode, starting from a deeper understanding of the basics of cancer, works to come up with better treatments and improved diagnostics. Jop Kind received his PhD from the Radboud University Nijmegen in 2008 for his work on chromatin and gene expression in the research group of Asifa Akhtar at EMBL Heidelberg. Annual Scientific Meeting. The following articles are merged in Scholar. KIT, Royal Tropical Institute. Additionally, they will investigate whether there are other, currently unknown pathways involved in repairing ICLs. This is harmful because it prevents the DNA from replicating and thereby makes it impossible for cells to divide. Read more | 11 November . Hubrecht Institute, NL. To study DSB-repair in single cells, we have adapted scDam&T to generate maps of DSB-repair sites in single cells. In addition, we profile the epigenetic landscapes, chromatin accessibility and transcriptome in single cells. Researchers of the Hubrecht Institute (KNAW) in Utrecht, The Netherlands, and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, United Kingdom, have discovered a new way in which the human body repairs DNA damage caused by a degradation product of alcohol. The Kind group uses a combination of single-cell genomics and microscopy methods to study the role of chromatin and epigenetics in gene-regulation control, with a focus on early mouse embryonic development and tumorigenesis. Miao-Ping Chien. j.kind@hubrecht.eu. The grant enables them to develop their own innovative line of research and set up their own research group. Tanenbaum: Single molecule observation and manipulation of gene expression dynamics … Molecular biologist dr. Jop Kind (1978) joined the Van Steensel lab as a postdoc after a highly successful PhD at the EMBL. Network. Online event. Read more | 5 November . Dive into the research topics where Jop Kind is active. 2016: Group Leader, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2016: Group Leader, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Hubrecht Institute Summary: ... but instead attached to the ceiling at anchor points," says Jop Kind, group leader at the Hubrecht Institute. Here For You During COVID-19 NEW! Over 17 years of experience in Molecular Biology, Yuva completed her MSc. See what employees say about what it's like to work at Hubrecht Institute. Spatiotemporal regulation of genomic function; Hubrecht Institute. Genomic regions contacting the NL are lamina associated domains (LADs), which contain thousands of genes that are lowl … Annual Scientific Meeting. 3 day event 20 - 22 Jan. Masterclass: Artificial intelligence and deep learning in basic research and clinical practice in Oncology: In-depth sessions. Duplicate citations. 12:35. Wouter de Laat Group. The ERC-starting grants are awarded to support up-and-coming research leaders who have recently established their own research team in Europe. Fingerprint. Jop Kind, Group Leader at Hubrecht Institute and Oncode Investigator, will bring you up to speed with the basics of Single Cell Technology. ERC-starting grant for Marvin Tanenbaum and Jop Kind Marvin Tanenbaum and Jop Kind, both group leader at the Hubrecht Institute, are awarded an ERC-starting grant. She and others previously discovered that the Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway plays a crucial role in repairing ICLs. Merged citations. We profiled these genome-lamina interactions in single cells to obtain better understanding in gene-regulation control in pre- and post-implantation embryos (Borsos et al., 2019, Nature) (Figure 2). torres-padilla@helmholtz-muenchen.de. Susanne Lens Group. Further, in the same cells, we also profile genome-wide chromatin states with a chromatin immunocleavage (ChIC) approach to study the relationships between DSB-repair and the local chromatin environment (. Read more | 18 November . Chromosomal regions that associate with a thin filamentous lamina layer at the nuclear periphery are generally in an inactive transcriptional state (Guerreiro and Kind, 2019, Curr.Opin.Gen.Dev.). Projects 1. This method enables linking transcriptional variability to epigenetic heterogeneity. Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austrian academy of science. Year; Systematic protein location mapping reveals five principal chromatin types in Drosophila cells. Nederland, © Copyright 2021 Privacypolicy Hubrecht Institute, A major interest in the group is how gene-expression control is achieved in early embryogenesis. Jop Kind is group leader at the Hubrecht Institute and Oncode Investigator. The Hubrecht Institute is a research institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), situated on the Utrecht Science Park. Jop Kind, group leader at the Hubrecht Institute, has been awarded a NWO Vidi-grant. Geert Kops Group. An ICL occurs when the two strands of our DNA are connected unnaturally. Puck Knipscheer is group leader at the Hubrecht Institute and Oncode investigator. To obtain detailed insight into this trajectory, it is essential to capture all the stages with single-cell accuracy. Geert Kops Group. Articles Cited by. Jop Kind The organization of DNA within the eukaryotic nucleus is important for cellular processes such as regulation of gene expression and repair of DNA damage. Puck Knipscheer and Jop Kind, both group leader at the Hubrecht Institute and Oncode investigator, individually receive a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant. Research output per year. The John Kendrew Young Scientist Award (JKA) was launched in 2007 as an initiative from the EMBL Pensioner’s Association to honour EMBL’s first Director General, Sir John Kendrew (1975-1982), and to support scientists in the early stages of their career. Other Annotations. Isabel Guerreiro 1 , Jop Kind 2 Affiliations 1 Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute-KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Cell division & chromosome segregation; Hubrecht Institute. Jop, now Group Leader at … 7 Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute-KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Former EMBL Genome Biology PhD student, Jop Kind, has been selected as this year’s John Kendrew Young Scientist Award winner for pioneering postdoctoral work in establishing novel technologies to map chromatin domains in single cells. Because DamID-signals are stable and can be carried-over for multiple generations, we are also looking into ways to exploit this property of DamID to study DSB-repair in the context of cellular decision making. Jop Kind, group leader at the Hubrecht Institute, has been awarded the John Kendrew award. … 13:05. Jobs. Key words: Single-cell genomics, epigenetics, spatial genome organization, bioinformatics, gene-regulation, embryogenesis, tumorigenesis. Accurate repair of DNA damage is critical for the maintenance of genomic integrity. EMBL alumnus Jop Kind’s research focuses on the role of DNA organisation in genome stability, cell development and disease. Oncode unites science, collaboration and valorization to create impact for patients. Contact. Kind’s work has paved the way for the development of powerful technologies to map chromatin, or balled-up DNA, in single cells, earning him this year’s John Kendrew Award. jop kind. Jop Kind EMBL: Predoc, Akhtar group, Genome Biology, 2002-2008. Jop Kind; Jurgen Marteijn; Titia Sixma; Organising Committee Oncode . j.kind@hubrecht.eu. Molecular mechanisms and regulation of DNA repair; Hubrecht Institute. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW), Hubrecht Institute; 2015 2020. Nederland, © Copyright 2021 Privacypolicy Hubrecht Institute. Molecular mechanisms and regulation of DNA repair; Hubrecht Institute . 2 day event 04 - 05 Nov. Oncode - CGC Annual Conference: Basic biology meets Cancer research . Scientists from the groups of Puck Knipscheer (Hubrecht Institute) and Ketan J. Patel (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology) studied the second line of … That knowledge underlines the link between alcohol consumption and cancer. Single cell epigenomics. 3,331. The European Research Council (ERC) awards grants to individual scientists of all nationalities and ages who perform groundbreaking research. The early mammalian conceptus (blastocyst) contains two supporting extraembryonic tissues - the trophectoderm and the primitive endoderm (PrE) - that encase and guide the epiblast (Epi) to eventually form the all body. Jop Kind, Junior Group Leader at the Hubrecht Institute. Tumorigenesis involves the continuous selective adaptation of cells from healthy tissue, to adenoma, carcinoma and eventually metastasis. We are interested in how cells acquire new identities and traits in lineage specification events in mice and in cancer. Partnership Agreement for Pontiac School District - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Researchers of the Hubrecht Institute (KNAW) in Utrecht, The Netherlands, and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, United Kingdom, have discovered a new way in which the human body repairs DNA damage caused by a degradation product of alcohol. Hubrecht Institute - Cited by 3,964 - Single cell epigenomics Citations per year. Mechanisms underlying cell-fate choice in early embryogenesis A major interest in the group is how gene-expression control is achieved in early embryogenesis. Ester Frische; Mariëlle Harlé; Yuva Oz; Jacqueline Staring; Peter Thijssen; More information will follow. Hubrecht Institute. ); s.kefalopoulou@hubrecht.eu (S.K.) Oncode Investigator at Hubrecht Institute My Research Jop Kind received his PhD from the Radboud University Nijmegen in 2008 for his work on chromatin and gene expression in the research group of Asifa Akhtar at EMBL Heidelberg. Former EMBL Genome Biology PhD student, Jop Kind, has been selected as this year’s John Kendrew Young Scientist Award winner for pioneering postdoctoral work in establishing novel technologies to map chromatin domains in single cells. Jop Kind lab. Publications 23. Spatiotemporal regulation of genomic function; Hubrecht Institute. Tumor-cell trajectories in organoid and mouse models KIT, Royal Tropical Institute. As a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Bas van Steensel at the NKI, Jop developed novel techniques to visualize and profile single-cell spatial genome organization. jop kind Hubrecht Institute Verified email at hubrecht.eu. This is particularly difficult to study because DSBs occur randomly in the genome, thus every single cell harbors a different DSB-landscape. Jop Kind EMBL: Predoc, Akhtar group, Genome Biology, 2002-2008. Credit: Jop Kind, copyright Hubrecht Institute. Publications. Jop Kind Group. Contact. 23. PMID: 31118510 PMCID: PMC6546605 The research group of Knipscheer researches DNA repair: how does our genetic material remain stable and how do we prevent the development of genetic diseases such as cancer? Jop, now Group Leader at … The grant allows her to expand her group with 4 researchers for the duration of 5 years. Since October 2014 he is Junior Group Leader at the Hubrecht Institute. Projects 1. Cited by. Nicolas Rivron. Oncode is an independent institute dedicated to understanding cancer and translating research into practice. EMBL alumnus Jop Kind’s research focuses on the role of DNA organisation in genome stability, cell development and disease. 23. In total the NWO has awarded 87 experienced researchers a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros. Save the date for our Annual Conference! Save the date for our Annual Conference! Sara is now working as a computational biologist in the lab of Jop Kind at the Hubrecht Institute (Netherlands). Puck Knipscheer Group. PhD. Title. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. Jobs; Jobs Tips; 11 Recession-Proof Jobs; How to Get a Job; The Perfect Resume Looks Like This; How to Write A Cover Letter; 9 Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter Examples; New On Glassdoor; Best Cities for Jobs 2020; Company Reviews . Electronic address: j.kind@hubrecht.eu. Verified email at hubrecht.eu. Since October 2014 he is Junior Group Leader at the Hubrecht Institute. Hubrecht Institute, Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research | 6,134 followers on LinkedIn. Go to Website Navigation: Home; about narcis; login; Nederlands; contact. 3584 CT Utrecht Chromatin cartographer EMBL alumnus Jop Kind, this year’s John Kendrew Award winner, reflects on the imaginative questions that led him to the prize . Biography. Jop Kind leads a Developmental Epigenomics group at Hubrecht Institute, Netherlands. 2 Oncode Institute, Hubrecht Institute-KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Afterwards, Alexander van Oudenaarden, Mauro Muraro and Waleed Kholosy will also give talks and elaborate on some specific applications and usage of single cell technology. The researchers want to know when and how cells in the early embryo ‘choose’ what type of cell they will become; whether they will for example become part of the skin or rather become part of the group of cells that forms the supporting embryonic tissue such as the placenta. Jop Kind Group. Seeing is sequencing: linking phenotypes and genotypes of heterogeneous cancer cells by high-throughput, microscopy-based single cell selection and functionally annotated single cell sequencing. Jop Kind obtained his PhD from the Radboud University in Nijmegen for his work on dosage compensation in the lab of Asifa Akhtar at the EMBL Heidelberg. Puck Knipscheer and Jop Kind, both group leader at the Hubrecht Institute and Oncode investigator, individually receive a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant. Perform multiple measurements in a cell nucleus of 10 micrometres essential to capture the... Hubrecht Institute harmful because it prevents the DNA from replicating and thereby makes it impossible for cells to.! Cell-Fate choice in early embryogenesis architecture and gene regulation in development and disease the repair pathways that cells use correct. 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